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Returning to His Roots, Sanders Launches ‘Our Revolution’

Bernie introduced his new organization with a speech from Vermont—and entrusted it to longtime staffer Jeff Weaver.

D.D. Guttenplan

Immigration Policy

When Anti-Immigrant Politics Came Back to Haunt the Republican Party

The life cycle of California’s Republican Party suggests that the long-term effect of peddling xenophobia is disastrous.

Jim Shultz

France Has a Strange Concept of Feminism—and Secularism

Local bans on “burkinis” aren’t only wrong—they’re counterproductive.

Katha Pollitt
US Wars and Military Action

Who’s Scamming Veterans Now? Why, It’s the Koch Brothers, of Course!

Who else would use American war casualties as an opportunity for profit?

Ann Jones
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From the Magazine

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Can War Reporting Be a Feminist Project?

Women journalists can go to places where men are barred—and build their careers by exposing the lives of other women.
Rafia Zakaria

In every house I knew growing up, there was a room where the female guests were received. In our own home it was a room in the back, which also functioned variably as the prayer room or homework room. In the split- level house that belonged to my other grandmother,… Continue Reading >

Focus on Criminal Justice

Is Angela Corey the Cruelest Prosecutor in America?

The woman who failed to convict Trayvon Martin’s killer is putting hundreds of kids in prison, and dozens of people on death row.

Jessica Pishko

‘This Man Will Almost Certainly Die’

Dozens of men have died in disturbing circumstances in privatized, immigrant-only prisons. The Bureau of Prisons itself says there’s a problem. And yet the privatization scheme continues.

Seth Freed Wessler

The Justice Department Will End All Federal Private Prisons, Following a ‘Nation’ Investigation

Our yearlong probe uncovered dozens of questionable deaths and years of dire warnings from internal monitors.

Seth Freed Wessler
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Election 2016

How Obama Helped Lay the Groundwork for Trump’s Thuggery

His refusal to prosecute torturers and his Wild West assassination of bin Laden show how moral complacency can all too easily degenerate into full-blown corruption.

Rochelle Gurstein

Should We Trust the Republicans Who Published a Letter Denouncing Trump?

They may be the enemies of our enemy. But they’re also war criminals.

Rebecca Gordon

Jill Stein Should Be Part of a 4-Way Presidential Debate

Even those who do not back third-party contenders should recognize that open debates are vital for robust democracy.

John Nichols

Books & the Arts

Krista Tippett: Speaking of Faith

In a new book, the host of NPR’s On Being tries to formulate a unified theory of secular spirituality.

Michele Moses

An Argentinian Novelist, Out of Oblivion

Exile, failure, the dread of erasure: Antonio Di Benedetto seems to have transmuted all his life experiences into his novel Zama, which has finally been translated into English.

Ratik Asokan

Thomas Struth’s Post-Internet Art

His pictures generate a perceptual confusion that might best represent where we stand with technology today.

Barry Schwabsky

Take Action

Demand That Politicians Fight to Get Women a Raise

The Economic Policy Institute has released a plan to close the gender wage gap.

Take Action Now! >

Watch and Listen

Listen: The Woman Behind Trump

Amy Wilentz on Ivanka, plus Calvin Trillin on Mississippi in 1964, and Rosa Brooks on the militarization of everything.

August 18, 2016
August 12, 2016
July 5, 2016
