
The Brilliant podcast: Episode 30 - Season Two

  • Posted on: 26 August 2016
  • By: aragorn

From The Brilliant

This is the first episode of Season Two of the Brilliant podcast (aka episode 30). In this new season we are going to split up the podcast into several different, but parallel projects. The first is a podcast conversation with Bellamy. This will be familiar in form and energy to Season One. The second is a different kind of a conversation (more of an interview) spread out over a year with Isaac Cronin, an influential figure in Bay Area post-situationist. We will cover most of the peaks and valleys of a life lived radically. The third is a series of interviews about infrastructure. How one becomes a provider of it. How one transverses the gap between DIY culture & education and becoming a practitioner. How the things one does as a j.o.b. is and is not relevant to the project of building for a qualitatively different world. Finally there may be some readings of obscure but relevant & interesting texts.

Ex-Worker podcast #49 - September 9th National Prison Strike

  • Posted on: 24 August 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Crimethinc

#49: September 9th National Prison StrikeThe Ex-Worker is back! And just in time, because a potentially historic national prisoner strike is just around the corner. In our 49th episode, we discuss the upcoming September 9th strike to end prison slavery, with an interview with the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee. You’ll also hear a review of Dan Berger’s book Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights
; an interview with an anarchist from the UK about the Brexit vote; listener feedback on Spanish revolutionary militias, Comintern, and parallels with Rojava; updates on Kara Wild, a trans anarchist incarcerated in Paris; a letter from trans anarchist prisoner Jennifer Gann; plus news, prisoner birthdays, event announcements, and plenty more.

08-16-2016 Anarchy Radio

  • Posted on: 16 August 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Kathan co-hosts. Role of Anarchy Radio. Tattered spectacle: Rio follies. Milwaukee
uprising. July hottest ever, California ablaze, explosive rains seen globally. Yellow
fever to follow Zika as scourge as tech marches forward. More violence in all directions.
Anarchist responses in terms of projects e.g. architecturally? Artificial light weakens us.
Action news, three calls.


Review: Genesee River Rebellion

  • Posted on: 16 August 2016
  • By: rocinante

From stalking the earth

The Genesee River Rebellion(GRR) is a new quarterly publication from the Rochester Black Rose Anarchist Federation. It's a large 4-page newspaper with 6 articles of varying length that we picked up for free from the distribution bin inside a local Rochester restaurant. There was a stack full of copies placed in the distro and it appears that there are stacks of this paper around a handful of local establishments for the curious reader to find. There also appears to be a subscription based model along with some other perks for those that signed up via the GoFundMe page, which accordingly raised around $1,500 of a $2,000 goal for printing costs, etc. Aesthetically, the local publication looks nice and it was exciting to find an anarchist newspaper circulating around in hand on our way to get some food. On the other hand, there are also some gripes about the publication and the ideas behind it. Below is a brief review of the new publication, along with some shared experiences from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation.

Dispossess Ep 3: On Naturalness

  • Posted on: 13 August 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

This is the podcast Dispossess where we explore the ideas, tendencies, ideologies, spooks, spirits, and other possessions and conversations that are relevant to the hosts of the show as providing for nourishing dialogue from the perspective of a non-ideological critique of civilization

For the third episode we will be discussing the ideas of natural and unnatural and the relevance or irrelevance of these ideas within anti-civilization conversations.

08-09-2016 Anrchy Radio

  • Posted on: 9 August 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: details/ AnarchyRadio08092016

Cliff co-hosts. Rio Olympics debacle. Eco-Nihilist critique of Black and Green
Review. "Fifty States of Anxiety." Varieties of violence. Despite phone problems,
4 calls; 2 counseled more attention to affirmative projects. Brain-eating amoeba,
complexity=breakdown. Resistance news.

Wildfire: Issue 5 (August 2016)

  • Posted on: 9 August 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Wildfire: an anarchist prison newsletter

Download Issue #5 (Prints 8.5×11)

Summer is almost over but things are burning up in the prisons and in the streets. All around the United States, prisoners and comrades in the “free world” are gearing up for the beginning of coordinated anti-prison actions on September 9th, 2016. In just a few weeks, the Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners begins, marking with fire the state murder of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti on August 23. 1927, turning memory into active revolt for all anarchist combatants locked behind bars today.
