
Sacco and Vanzetti: A journey through time” – Text by Members of CCF

  • Posted on: 4 September 2016
  • By: thecollective

Here is a text that several imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Athens, Greece, wrote for an event at the squatted anarchist centre Bibloteca Kaos in Brazil.

To all comrades, to all our anarchist brothers and sisters who are present in this event organized by the anarchist library Kaos. Let our thoughts break out and travel to Brazil so as to send these few words with the hope that maybe a little, you can feel our presence beside you.

Summary of international week of actions for Russian anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners

  • Posted on: 29 August 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Between 1st and 10th of July, international days of solidarity for political prisoners of Putin's police state took place in 22 cities of 10 different countries. Although state pressure is growing, new delirious "anti-terrorist" laws are passed instead of improving life of citizens, activists of Moscow Anarchist Black Cross, Autonomous Action and other anarchist and anti-fascist initiatives organized a wide international campaign to defend our comrades imprisoned in Putin's gallows.

At the Anarchists’ Convention, There’s Not Much Structure

  • Posted on: 27 August 2016
  • By: thecollective

From The Wall Street Journal

PRYAMUKHINO, Russia—If there is a natural place to bring anarchists to order, it’s around a crumbling mansion here, which is where Sergei Kornilov tries to do it every summer.

It is the historical family home of Mikhail Bakunin, the father of modern anarchism, who was born here in 1814 and whom Mr. Kornilov describes as “our inspiration, a candle for what could be a better life.”

[The Netherlands] The Area Ban against anarchists in a broader context of repression in The Hague

  • Posted on: 17 August 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

On August 3, several anarchists in The Hague, the Netherlands, and one from outside the city received a letter from Mayor Van Aartsen with the intention of imposing a two month area ban for the Schilderswijk, a working class and immigrant neighborhood in the center of the city. The mayor wants to use the so-called “Football Law,” which is now being used against political activists for the first time. In recent times, anarchists in The Hague have dealt with much repression, much of it directly from the mayor’s office.

So far so good ?*

  • Posted on: 7 August 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Translated from french. We call for this text to be circulated as widely as necessary, and it can be used to stimulate discussion, debate and confrontation.


“10 years ago, in the same kind of meeting as today, if you’d said « white » [1], people would have broken the furniture. Today, thanks to the Indigenous of the Republic, thanks to Houria [2] one can say « the whites ».” – Eric Hazan [3]

News of Opposition: JULY 2016

  • Posted on: 6 August 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Vitenam, Vissai: fishermen clashing with cops, as cement company threatens to destroy their way of life, free beaten prisoner from cop car “Fishermen protesting the construction of a port project benefiting a major Vietnamese cement producer clashed with police … with one man beaten as he attempted to get medicine… as many as 700 villagers attempted to protest the construction project…The witnesses said 64-year-old Nguyen Viet Nong was beaten as he attempted to walk through the police lines to get medicine. His beating caused the eruption of a broader clash between the police and the fishermen….“At the edge of the village, I saw many policemen blocking the road,” Nong told RFA. “I told them that I needed to go out to buy some medicine because I’m sick, and then I continued walking. One policeman kicked me in the chest, making me fall. Then they all stepped on me.” Nong said that he was then forced into a police car, but the car was stopped by the crowd after it had trav-eled about a kilometer. “They opened the door and let me out,” he said. “A village doctor came to check on me and told me that I was injured in my chest because of their strong kicks.” … people from about 400 families had gathered at the demonstration site to protest the low compensa-tion the government has offered them for disruption to fishing.“

More and more anarchist refugee collectives displace state-run detention centres

  • Posted on: 6 August 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Anarchists in Greece have been providing squatted accommodation – abandoned schools, hotels etc – for refugees – since the current conflicts in Syria began. And as soon as the Greek authorities organised evictions of these premises, more buildings have been squatted.

