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Recent ZNet

Michael Albert: Our Revolution!?

Ideally “Our Revolution” would emerge from well organized neighborhoods and workplaces proposing wonderful structure and program

John Feffer: Keep Elites Accountable, But Don’t Dumb the Issues Down

Complex global challenges require committed activists who stand on principle as well as experts on the inside who can play the political game

Graham Peebles: Hunger and Food Waste in a World of Plenty

Food, like shelter and health care, is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a fundamental right of all people, irrespective of circumstances or income. And yet one in nine of the global population does not have enough to eat – despite the fact that there is enough food to feed everyone. The Read more…

Michael Lesher: Bds Doesn’t Delegimitize Israel, Mr. Prime Minister – Your Effort To Ban It Does

The nonviolent anti-occupation campaign can never threaten Israel; it can only improve it

Kim Moody: The Rank and File’s Paper of Record

The history of Labor Notes shows that labor’s strength — and socialists’ relevance — depend on a militant and independent rank and file

Wayne Pacelle: How Factory Farming Is Giving Rise to Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs

In addition to causing immense animal suffering, factory farms are spawning dangerous superbugs that current antibiotics are powerless against

Gauri Reddy: Government Fears Chelsea Manning Disclosures May Lead to Indictments for War Crimes

28-year-old whistleblower, Private Chelsea Manning, currently serving a 35 year sentence at Kansas’ Fort Leavenworth, tried to kill herself on July 5.  As a result of her suicide attempt, she now faces further punishment including possible indefinite solitary confinement. Manning, who was first taken into custody in 2010 had already been subjected to solitary confinement for 9 Read more…

Various Contributors: “Y’all Take it From Here:” Delegates from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Champion the Movement for Black Lives Lives

Last month, delegates from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) shared their enthusiastic support for the Movement for Black Lives (MBL) and Black Lives Matter

Gareth Porter: How Media Distorted Syrian Ceasefire’s Breakdown

Coverage of the breakdown of the partial ceasefire in Syria illustrated the main way corporate news media distort public understanding of a major foreign policy story. The problem is not that the key events in the story are entirely unreported, but that they were downplayed and quickly forgotten in the media’s embrace of themes with Read more…

Dave Zirin: Olympic Joy in the Face of Erasure

On the mat, Rafaela Silva won for her marginalized favela. In the streets, activists are winning the right to protest

William Astore: Military Dissent Is Not an Oxymoron

Freeing Democracy from Perpetual War

Ramzy Baroud: Divide and Rule: How Factionalism in Palestine Is Killing Prospect for Freedom

For Israel, Palestinian factionalism is a central piece in its strategy to divide and rule. Sadly, many Palestinians are playing along, and by doing so are jeopardizing their own salvation

Vijay Prashad: The Futility of Air Strikes in the War on Terror

Bombings aren’t as targeted (or as effective) as the American government would have you believe

Jill soffiyah Elijah: It’s Time We Recognize Black Lives Matter Behind Bars, Too

Deaths like that of Darius Robinson at the hands of prison guards underlie the lethal risk faced by those who are incarcerated

David McReynolds: Time to Cool It

We all need to play it a little cool, because in this climate we really are edging toward violence

Liz Adetiba: Black Lives Matter Turns Spotlight On How Police Unions Shield Bad Cops

Two activist groups, Black Lives Matter and the Black Youth Project 100, launched #FreedomNow, a two-day long campaign of nationwide actions designed to highlight the role of police unions in shielding officers who engage in misconduct. The protests, which began Wednesday, took place in Chicago, New York, Washington, Detroit, Durham, North Carolina, and Oakland, California. Read more…

John Feffer: Keep Elites Accountable, But Don’t Dumb the Issues Down

Complex global challenges require committed activists who stand on principle as well as experts on the inside who can play the political game

Peter Olney: For Unions, Sometimes a Lockout Is Better Than a Strike

Whether you’re expecting a strike or lockout, the steps are similar—and there’s no need to reinvent the wheel

Dean Baker: Trump agenda looks like more of the same

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gave his first major economic address on Monday. Most of the speech was devoted to putting forward a more or less standard set of Republican policies — Trump promised large tax cuts that would primarily benefit higher-income taxpayers, ending the Affordable Care Act and curtailing government regulation. But he also Read more…

Robert Fisk: Isis has not radicalised young Muslims, it has infantilised them

Isis has broken down the precious wall which separates childhood from adulthood, innocence from guilt. This, far more than mass murder, is its final dark achievement

Tom Gallagher: Sanders ready to launch ‘Our Revolution’

Bernie Sanders is doing his level best to make the case for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump to his supporters: A $15 minimum wage versus a Mexican wall, etc. At the same time, the political force he brought to the fore needs additional causes closer to its heart to maintain itself for the long run. Read more…

Vandana Shiva: False promises and failures of Genetic Engineering

Golden rice is a false miracle. It is a disease of nutritionally empty monocultures offered as a cure for nutritional deficiency. In fact, golden rice, if successful, will be 400% less efficient in providing Vitamin A… Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution, died on September 9, 2009. Alfred G. Gilman died on December 23, Read more…

Rupen Savoulian: Obama’s Africa policy – an expanding military footprint to grab resources

The United States, while portraying its intervention in Africa as an anti-terrorist exercise, is actually the main purveyor of political destabilisation and violence

Glenn Greenwald: Bernie Sanders Denounces Brazil’s Impeachment as Undemocratic, Calls for New Elections

Sanders’ statement is strong and unequivocal. Perhaps most significant is his call for the U.S. Government to “demand that this dispute be settled with democratic elections”

Marina Prentoulis: Lexit delusionaries

The Brexit campaign brought together a number of narratives, none of which signals any progress towards social justice and democracy

James Kilgore: Is the Fight to End Mass Incarceration Wasting Away in Washington?

“We cannot ‘fix’ the police without a revolution of values and radical change to the basic structure of our society… There’s an unfinished revolution waiting to be won”

Juan Antonio Gil de los Santos: Spain: Podemos MP on understanding transversality

Pushed to the limit, and having discovered the establishment’s deception, popular movements took to the streets to get rid of those who put their own interests above the social majority

Various Contributors: Gaza Strip: Blockade Causing an End to Fresh Water Resources

The successive attacks on the Gaza Strip have severely affected the sewage systems and destroyed thousands of septic tanks, causing in many cases wastewater to end up in the aquifer

Zarrar Khuhro: Rigging US-style

Civil rights groups are warning that the 2016 elections may see record levels of voter disenfranchisement

Henry A. Giroux: Donald Trump and the Plague of Atomization in a Neoliberal Age

This week, Donald Trump lowered the bar even further by attacking the Muslim parents of US Army Captain Humayan Khan, who was killed in 2004 by a suicide bomber while he was trying to save the lives of the men in his unit. This stunt was just the latest example of his chillingly successful media Read more…

Ashoka Jegroo: Wave of occupations marks step forward for Black Lives Matter

Activists in New York City seeking to defund the police have successfully occupied City Hall Park for a week

Danica Jorden: World Social Forum in Montreal: “Another world is once again being constructed without Africa”

At least 234 community organization leaders and representatives were denied visitor visas to attend

Robert Fisk: Erdogan’s meeting with Putin will tell us what the future holds for Syria

Not long ago, it was Hillary Clinton who wanted to press the “reset” button with Putin. Now it’s Erdogan – with, one suspects, a lot more effect

Lauren McCauley: Billionaire Bonanza as Wealth Surges Among One Percent

New study by market research firm Wealth-X found that not only has the number of billionaires grown, so have their fortunes

Richard Falk: Dreaming of Freedom: Palestinian Child Prisoners Speak

With such knowledge solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom and dignity becomes almost a psychological inevitability and an even more urgent moral imperative

Alexander Billet: Alton Sterling’s Right to the City

The murder of Alton Sterling attacked the idea that public space and culture should belong to those who produce them

Michelle Chen: Women Day Laborers Are Tired of Waiting for Work, and for Justice

In Brooklyn, a new study shows that women face an underground labor market fraught with hidden risks

Juan Cole: Iowa could go 100% Green with Wind in only 14 years

Iowa gets 31% of its electricity from wind turbines, the highest percentage in the nation (though Texas generates more than twice as many megawatts from wind). But you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. Some Iowa planners think that in only 14 years Iowa will be able to power its entire grid with wind and have some Read more…

Samir Amin: Brexit and the EU Implosion: National Sovereignty — For What Purpose?

The defense of national sovereignty, like its critique, leads to serious misunderstandings once one detaches it from the social class content of the strategy in which it is embedded.  The leading social bloc in capitalist societies always conceives sovereignty as a necessary instrument for the promotion of its own interests based on both capitalist exploitation Read more…

Tom Engelhardt: The Greatest Show on Earth

How Billions of Words, Tweets, Insults, and Polls Blot Out Reality in Campaign 2016

Isaiah Poole: A National Grassroots Network Goes All In To Defeat Trump

A newly formed national network of grassroots organizations that represent more than 1 million people has agreed to throw its weight behind an all-out effort to defeat Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump

Ryan Mallett-Outtrim: Art for Revolution’s Sake: Voices from the EZLN’s CompArte Festival in Chiapas

It’s not everyday that a guerrilla movement hosts an alternative art festival, but that’s exactly what just happened in southern Mexican city of San Cristobal, in the state of Chiapas. From July 23 to 30, over a thousand artists from 45 countries flocked to the city’s outskirts to participate in CompArte for Humanity, a festival Read more…

Gareth Porter: The sham rebrand of al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front

The objective of the manoeuvre was to head off US-Russian military cooperation against the jihadist group

Pepe Escobar: Say hello to Southeast Asia’s New Silk Roads

It’s not only China vs. the US in the South China Sea. Few in the West realize that two completely different, intersecting stories are developing in maritime and mainland Southeast Asia. The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague denied China’s historic rights to waters in the South China Sea within its nine-dash line; it Read more…

Sue Sturgis: A turning point in the fight against voter suppression?

Date on which a federal appeals court panel struck down North Carolina’s restrictive new voting law, finding that provisions ranging from photo ID requirements to rollbacks of early voting deliberately “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision”: 7/29/2016 Rank of the North Carolina law among the biggest rollbacks of voting rights since the 1965 Voting Rights Read more…

James J. Zogby: Platform and Politics: The Change We Made

As a reflection of the state of play of American politics, we should see this platform not as a defeat but an acknowledgment that there has been a change

Sarah Freeman-Woolpert: Refugees mount hunger strike and march to protest closed borders

A seven-day hunger strike was organized by refugees along the Serbian-Hungarian border

Michael Albert: Interviewing Miguel Rodriguez

Never did we talk about Marxism or socialism nor left or right. We presented ourselves as the Bolivarian movement

Chris Kromm: Big Money vs. Black Lives: Movement connects money in politics to racial justice

The makeup of the elite donor class and the sheer amount of money required to be a candidate create a barrier to access

Bernie Sanders: I Support Hillary Clinton. So Should Everyone Who Voted for Me

Going forward and continuing the struggle is what matters. And, in that struggle, the most immediate task we face is to defeat Donald Trump

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