Federal Politics

Scott Morrison recalls 'Banana Republic' recession as he delivers call to arms on economy

 A generation of Australians has never known a recession or high unemployment but unless hard decisions are taken soon, there is a "terrible risk" complacency could end Australia's 25 consecutive years of economic growth, Treasurer Scott Morrison has warned.

In the first of three "economic headland" speeches the Treasurer will deliver in the coming weeks, designed to set out the budgetary challenges facing the nation - and the government's vision for how to tackle them - Mr Morrison will argue that it should not take an economic crisis to trigger a wake-up call, or restart the economic reform process, so Australia enjoys a prosperous future.

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Treasurer's dire economic warning

There's less than a decade to get debt under control or risk our future generations, according to Scott Morrison. Courtesy ABC News 24.

In extracts of the speech seen by Fairfax Media, which will be delivered in Sydney on Thursday, Mr Morrison made a simple plea.

" I do not want my kids to know what a recession is and everything that goes along with that," he will say.

Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison says Australia is divided between the "the taxed and the taxed nots".
Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison says Australia is divided between the "the taxed and the taxed nots". Photo: James Brickwood

"I recognise that in the absence of a 'recession we have to have', or the threat of 'becoming a banana republic', achieving necessary change will be more frustrating and more difficult. But it is no less necessary, and achieving it this way is far better than the alternative."

"A generation has grown up not ever having known a recession, of seeing unemployment rates at more than 10 per cent, with one million Australians out of work or mortgage rates at 18 per cent or where inflation is actually a problem, rather than an aspiration."


In addition, Mr Morrison will say that on the current settings, a generation of Australians are likely to never pay tax, setting up a new divide - the "taxed and taxed-nots", prompting the Treasurer to ask: " Are we still up to the challenge of doing what we need to do to ensure another 25 years of consecutive economic growth?

"Are we more interested in preserving the benefits of what the past 30 years of economic reform has given us, than reinvesting some of those dividends to create a stronger economy for both our own future and the generations that follow?

"Do we really appreciate how quickly our economic success can turn, and are we as prepared as we can be to deal with it . . . my greatest concern is that we end up answering these questions the hard way."

The blunt warning about a future recession and dip in Australian living standards came as the Treasurer rejected an offer from Labor leader Bill Shorten to compromise on $6 billion in superannuation changes proposed in the May budget.

Mr Shorten told the National Press Club on Wednesday that Labor would back a $500,000 lifetime cap on non-concessional contributions to super, as long as it is not retrospective and backdated to 2007, as proposed, while also demanding the government pass $8 billion in revenue measures and savings it had proposed during the election.

He said the opposition would be constructive in its approach to the government's proposed $6.5 billion omnibus savings bill, which will come to the Parliament next week, and "our position will reflect our commitment to budget repair".

"But let's be frank – our budget and our economy need something a lot more serious and more substantial than Mr Turnbull's stunt."

To offset the cost of that change to the government's package, Mr Shorten proposed lowering the threshold at which point high-income super contributions are taxed at 30 per cent, not 15 per cent, from $250,000 to $200,000. These changes would raise net $238 million over four years.

Mr Shorten also opposed three other changes – allowing catch-up concessional superannuation contributions, harmonising contribution rules for people aged 65 to 74 and allowing tax deductions for personal super contributions – as they were loopholes for high-income earners, and doing so would raise about $1.5 billion over four years.

But Mr Morrison, who is currently negotiating with his own backbench over a possible rise from $500,000 to $750,000, rejected Labor's proposal - and lashed its decision to oppose the three other measures because it would "hollow out crucial support designed to assist more Australians to be independent in their retirement".

The Labor decision leaves the government's plans for super changes in limbo.

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