Mark Rowsthorn isn't giving up on McAleese

Mark Rowsthorn has seen more than $100m go down the drain.

Melbourne businessman Mark Rowsthorn has had to come to terms with the fact he has lost all of the $100 million cash he invested in McAleese. Now he wants other investors to do the same.

John Cleese's beef with Packer

John Cleese

John Cleese may have qualms about the billionaire's way to make a buck, but Packer is laughing all the way to the bank thanks to $264 million worth of Crown dividends this year.

Is Suncorp's boss warming to climate change?

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Suncorp has been continually smashed by freak weather, so why did its CEO say "there's clear evidence there's climate change" but "the extent of influence by humans is still difficult to quantify"?

Blame it on Rio, not Telstra

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

The good news is Telstra's chronic network problems are not behind the woes being experienced by Seven's digital streaming of the Rio Olympics.

Rio Tinto is getting match fit

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Like any little brother, Rio Tinto loves to get one over Andrew Mackenzie's BHP Billiton. And it is doing just that in the world of Major League Soccer.

Andrew Robb is on the move

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

Andrew Robb must be relieved to relearn that it is far quicker getting work in the private sector than securing a trade deal.

Lachlan Murdoch set to get his revenge

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

Nearly 11 years to the day since Fox News supremo Roger Ailes, drove Lachlan Murdoch into the wilderness, it is Lachlan who is negotiating Ailes' exit after a sexual harassment scandal.

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