The Week Ahead from the ECR Group in the European Parliament 24th-28th October 2016 (ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists´ Group)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Oct 2016
(Source. ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists´ Group). European Council. MEPs will debate the outcome of last week's EU summit with the council and commission presidents. ECR Leader Syed Kamall will lament the gridlock of the meeting on several critical areas. Debate. Wednesday 09.00. Press officer to contact ... The parliament will vote on ECR MEP Ryszard Czarnecki's report regarding the European Council and Council spending for 2014....

Poland’s Defence Ministry Head in ... (Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Poland)

Edit Public Technologies 20 Oct 2016
(Source. Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Poland). On Wednesday, Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz took part in a session entitled, 'The Security and Defence of Poland and the New Member States After the NATO Summit in Warsaw,' during the studio days of European Conservatives and Reformists, (ECR), in Kraków. The introduction was given by Ryszard Czarnecki, MEP ... 'Maritime Safety and the Blue Economy.' ... troops in this region.'....

Sixteen investment sites awarded with The Golden Site Award (Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency)

Edit Public Technologies 20 Oct 2016
(Source. Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency) ... The Golden Site Contest was held under the patronage of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Development Mateusz Morawiecki and Związek Województw RP (The Association of Polish Regions) ... The similar approach presents mayor of Stare Miasto in Wielkopolska, Ryszard Nawrocki, 'Participation in the competition is an opportunity for us to strengthen our competence ... Those are ... (PAIiIZ)....

EU anti-money laundering measures need to cover all high-risk third countries (European Union)

Edit Public Technologies 19 Oct 2016
(Source. European Union) ... 'The legal treatment - definitions and penalties - of all offences relating to money laundering, tax fraud, corruption and the financing of terrorism and its connections should be harmonised at European level, as should penalties resulting from failure to comply with the AML directives', stated Petru Sorin Dandea, rapporteur for the opinion on Access to anti-money-laundering information by tax authorities....

Lutte contre le blanchiment: les mesures européennes doivent s'appliquer aux pays tiers à haut risque (European Union)

Edit Public Technologies 19 Oct 2016
(Source. European Union) ... 'The legal treatment - definitions and penalties - of all offences relating to money laundering, tax fraud, corruption and the financing of terrorism and its connections should be harmonised at European level, as should penalties resulting from failure to comply with the AML directives', stated Petru Sorin Dandea, rapporteur for the opinion on Access to anti-money-laundering information by tax authorities....

EU anti-money laundering measures need to cover all high-risk third countries (EESC - European Economic and Social Committee)

Edit Public Technologies 19 Oct 2016
(Source ... 'The legal treatment - definitions and penalties - of all offences relating to money laundering, tax fraud, corruption and the financing of terrorism and its connections should be harmonised at European level, as should penalties resulting from failure to comply with the AML directives', stated Petru Sorin Dandea, rapporteur for the opinion on Access to anti-money-laundering information by tax authorities ... (noodl. 35892522) ....

Aberystwyth Law professor nominated for re-election to European human rights body (Aberystwyth University)

Edit Public Technologies 18 Oct 2016
(Source. Aberystwyth University). 18 October 2016. Professor Ryszard Piotrowicz. Professor Ryszard Piotrowicz from Aberystwyth Law School has been nominated by the UK Government to serve a second term as a member of the Council of Europe's anti-human trafficking body ... Professor Piotrowicz was first elected to GRETA in 2012 and has served a four-year term ... Commenting on his nomination, Professor Ryszard Piotrowicz said ... AU31116 ... (noodl....

Literature, unplugged

Edit The Hindu 14 Oct 2016
In 1997, Eric Zorn, a columnist in the Chicago Tribune, advocated for Bob Dylan to be awarded the Nobel Prize ... Charter from another age ... For every inspired choice, such as J.M. Coetzee or Mo Yan, there was a J.M.G ... The prize to Alexievich, a worthy successor to the great Polish journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski, gave a clue to the Nobel committee’s changing priorities ... Capturing our age ... It’s a new age in history ... Keywords....

EU Court of Auditors 2015: improvements but now is the time to go for a clean bill of health (ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists´ Group)

Edit Public Technologies 13 Oct 2016
(Source. ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists´ Group). The European Court of Auditors published today its annual report. The Court has given the accounts a clean opinion for reliability, but it has again ruled that the payments for 2015 are materially affected by error ... Ryszard Czarnecki MEP, who is a Vice-President of the Parliament, said. ... Public permalinkhttp.//

Polish master Andrzej Wajda dies aged 90

Edit IMDb 10 Oct 2016
In the early 1970s, he formed his own film unit, Film Studio ‘X’, where he worked with a group of young film-makers such as Ryszard Bugajski and Agnieska Holland, using » ... ....

The Week Ahead from the ECR Group in the European Parliament 10-14th October 2016 (ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists´ Group)

Edit Public Technologies 10 Oct 2016
(Source. ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists´ Group). Energy Union. The industry committee will vote on several proposals making up the 'Energy Union' package, including a proposal being steered through by prof ... The proposal would encourage more fair competition and prevent fragmentation within the EU's energy market, but prof ... Vote. Thursday ... Vote ... Vote ... ECR Budgetary Control spokesman Ryszard Czarnecki will respond to the report....

Civil Society proposes to step up measures to fight money laundering and terrorist financing (European Union)

Edit Public Technologies 10 Oct 2016
Petru Sorin Dandea, rapporteur for the EESC opinion on Access to anti-money-laundering information by tax authorities, said 'The legal treatment - definitions and penalties - of all offences relating to money laundering, tax fraud, corruption and the financing of terrorism and its connections should be harmonised at European level, as should ......

Civil Society proposes to step up measures to fight money laundering and terrorist financing (EESC - European Economic and Social Committee)

Edit Public Technologies 10 Oct 2016
Petru Sorin Dandea, rapporteur for the EESC opinion on Access to anti-money-laundering information by tax authorities, said 'The legal treatment - definitions and penalties - of all offences relating to money laundering, tax fraud, corruption and the financing of terrorism and its connections should be harmonised at European level, as should ......