The latest hybrid risk

Some investors treat hybrids as a substitute for term deposits.
Some investors treat hybrids as a substitute for term deposits. Glenn Hunt

A crucial precondition to buying into the regulatory capital instruments issued by Australian banks, which include "additional tier one" (AT1) capital "hybrids" and "tier two" (T2) subordinated bonds, is understanding their very different "bail-in" risks.

This is especially relevant to readers given that on Tuesday ANZ launched a new AT1 deal at ostensibly attractive spreads.

Few AT1 hybrid investors appreciate that if a bank's equity capital falls only modestly to below the current 8 per cent regulatory minimum – notably well above the 5.125 per cent mandatory equity conversion trigger participants normally focus on – the bank may not be able to make payments on the hybrids, which could drive large capital losses. (The bank also has no obligation to ever catch-up payment shortfalls.)

By way of definition, an AT1 hybrid is a perpetual preferred equity instrument that does not pay interest, but rather voluntary "distributions" that are made at the discretion of the bank, much like dividends on ordinary shares. They rank ahead of shares in a wind-up, but behind T2 subordinated debt.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority classifies AT1s as equity on a bank's balance sheet and they carry a range of contractual terms to ensure they behave like equity in all stress scenarios.

One key provision is that AT1s automatically convert into ordinary shares if a bank's "common equity tier one" (CET1) capital ratio touches, or falls below, 5.125 per cent (diluting existing stock holders). This is why these investments are sometimes called "contingent capital", or "CoCo", securities. There is a pre-wired capital trigger that mandatorily converts them into shares.

Now Westpac, for instance, has a substantial $16 billion buffer between its current CET1 ratio of 9.4 per cent and the 5.125 per cent threshold that makes it unlikely equity conversion will ever occur, other than in the most serious recession.

There is, however, a new event risk buried in AT1 prospectuses issued after  January 1, 2016, that makes de facto "default" – or non-payment of the expected income distributions – much more likely.

Line in the sand

Westpac Capital Notes 4's (WBCPG) prospectus says that "should Westpac's CET1 ratio fall below 8 per cent, restrictions on the distributions of earnings would apply" where "distributions … are defined as payment of dividends on ordinary shares ... and [importantly] distributions on Additional Tier 1 Capital securities". (T2 debt is unaffected by this rule.)

The 8 per cent line in the sand before a potential AT1 default represents the sum of the major banks' minimum 4.5 per cent CET1 capital ratio plus their 3.5 per cent "capital conversation buffer", which are set by APRA. The amount of hybrid income that may not be paid depends on how far below the 8 per cent level capital falls.

If Westpac's CET1 ratio drops to what is described as a "fourth quartile" range of between 7.125 per cent and 8.0 per cent, only 60 per cent of the bank's earnings (rather than 100 per cent) are allowed to be used as "distributions" on shares or hybrids. If the CET1 ratio declines further to between 6.25 per cent and 7.125 per cent, the bank can only draw on 40 per cent of its earnings.

The likelihood of this happening is obviously much greater than Westpac's CET1 ratio dropping to the hybrid's official 5.125 per cent CET1 equity conversion trigger: Westpac only needs to lose $5.3 billion of equity, rather than $16 billion, which is a similar quantum to NAB's cumulative losses in its misguided British forays.

Most current AT1 investors incorrectly assume they will get full payment of their circa 6.5 per cent annual income distributions in all circumstances other than those involving the bank "going bust". Promoters are fond of arguing that if you treat the AT1 as a "hold to maturity" asset (never mind that these are perpetual securities), the only thing you have to worry about is the bank going under. The market reaction to any scenario involving partial default on a hybrid's quarterly payments when CET1 ratios dip below 8 per cent could therefore be quite savage. (Note the bank would also have to completely stop paying all dividends.)

Another contingent risk AT1 hybrids and T2 subordinated bonds – the latter are debt instruments with hard maturities that pay "interest", not discretionary distributions – face is the so-called point of non-viability (PONV) event. (I classify AT1s as a "hybrid" because they are perpetual and have multiple mandatory equity conversion triggers whereas T2 is debt that is not subject to these triggers.)

This PONV clause approximates an insolvency event in which APRA formally declares that an institution has become "non-viable", after which APRA can forcibly convert a major bank's $7-$10 billion of AT1 hybrids into ordinary shares, and if it still needs more equity, then its $7-$10 billion of T2 debt. This hierarchy of conversions means shareholders suffer the most dilution followed by AT1 investors, which then get diluted by the T2 bond holders as would be the case in bankruptcy.

Mayhem and strife

Aside from being a humiliating admission of supervisory failure, the problem with APRA declaring any major bank "non-viable" is that doing so will likely result in global investors treating all Australian banks as effectively insolvent. The mere exercise of the PONV clause for one bank could precipitate contagion across the entire banking system.

We have seen the mayhem this caused in Europe when, in late December 2015, the Portuguese unilaterally and selectively bailed-in senior bondholders, which froze wholesale debt funding for its banks, and subsequently propagated strife across the continent with funding costs sky-rocketing in February on the back of more bail-in fears.

Now governments are looking for ways around PONV with the European Court of Justice ruling in July that regulators need not bail-in bonds when injecting equity into failing banks if "implementing such measures would endanger financial stability or lead to disproportionate results".

In Australia it is highly unlikely PONV clauses, which introduce nebulous regulatory event risks that should be more clearly embedded in our banking legislation, will ever be exercised because doing so would blow-up the entire banking system. In contrast, the 8 per cent CET1 partial payment default and 5.125 per cent CET1 equity conversion triggers in AT1 hybrids demand much more investor attention.

Christopher Joye is a director and shareholder in Smarter Money Investments, which manages fixed-income investment portfolios.

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