What's the downside of commuting? An extra 767 calories, report finds

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This was published 8 years ago

What's the downside of commuting? An extra 767 calories, report finds


Commuting adds an average of more than 700 calories to people's diets every week, according to a new report.

The study by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) in the UK found that travelling to and from work by rail, bus or car is associated with stress, higher blood pressure and an increased body mass index as it reduces the time available for healthy activities such as exercising, cooking and sleeping.

Commuting adds an average of more than 700 calories to people's diets every week, according to a new report.

Commuting adds an average of more than 700 calories to people's diets every week, according to a new report.Credit: baona

A poll of 1500 workers found that they believe their commute adds an average of 767 calories to their diets each week.

This is due to eating and drinking during their commutes and as a result of them, for example due to a stressful journey.

Around a third of people reported they snack more due to commuting.

RSPH chief executive Shirley Cramer said: "For some of us the daily commute can be a pleasurable experience, giving time for reflection or an opportunity to relax, but for an increasing number of us it is having a damaging effect on our health and well-being.


"As the length of our commute increases this impact is getting worse, including by contributing to rising levels of stress, adding to our waistlines, or eating into time we could otherwise spend doing activities which enhance our health and well-being such as sleep, exercise or time spent with friends or family."

The Telegraph London

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