
The Wave Hill walk-off, 1966-1975

Wave Hill strikers

A short history of the Wave Hill, or Gurindji, strike, when aboriginal agricultural workers walked out for equal pay and then lodged a claim for the land they worked on. They remained out for an incredible nine years, and were eventually given back a proportion of the land.

The SPA: Dashed on the Rocks of Compromise

Other than in our Socialist Party, way too much thought on revolutionary socialist organisation gets written advocating Lenin’s way as the one and only way and applying historic conditions under Russian feudalism to Western democracies today, and whose justification amounts to thinly veiled apologetics for ‘history is written by the victors’. The Socialist Party of America: A Complete History by Jack Ross, published last year, joins the comparatively smaller range of literature not from this vanguard perspective, and even opposed to it.

Black rebellion: five slave revolts - Thomas Wentworth Higginson

Contemporary illustration of the Nat Turner Rebellion

Detailed histories of five important episodes of slave revolt, excerpted from a longer book called Travellers and Outlaws by abolitionist Thomas Wentworth Higginson, first published in 1889. Unfortunately it contains language and a perspective tainted by the widespread prejudice at the time, however we reproduce it in full for historical information only.

Industrial Worker (April 7, 1917)

The April 7, 1917 (Vol. 1, No. 52, Whole No. 52) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

The General Assembly - Education Workers Newsletter, # 4 - November, 1992

"The Education Workers Network, is an independent organization of education workers. Our goal is to build the level of solidarity and combativeness among education workers, to help democratize existing unions and to build new workplace organizations where no unions now exist."

The General Assembly - Education Workers Newsletter, # 3 - September, 1992

"The General Assembly is a newsletter produced for and by education workers. It is our desire to establish a network of people employed in the education system."

The General Assembly - Education Workers Newsletter, # 2 - May 1992

"The General Assembly is a newsletter produced for and by education workers. It is our desire to establish a network of people employed in the education system.

Where no union exists, we seek to create assemblies that will bargain directly with management. Where unions exist, we seek to move them in a militant democratic direction."

The General Assembly - Education Workers Newsletter, # 1 - March 1992

"The General Assembly is a newsletter produced for and by education workers. We would like to form a national network of people employed in the education system who are interested in workplace democracy, rank and file control of labor organizations, and opposing the deteriorating condition of education in the United States ......This issue of the General Assembly has been funded by donations from Workers Solidarity Alliance, U.S. Section of the International Workers Association...."

Sheffield Health Worker - # 2 - July 1989

"Sheffield Independent Health workers group .... aim is a self-managed health care system .... Calling for action from union leaders or politicians (elected or self appointed) is a waste of time. Meaningful action come from grassroots activity....This group is open to all health workers but we are not prepared to be used a platform for party-liners...."