Street art and revolution: “It’s beautiful.  It’s spreading everywhere.”

Street art and revolution: “It’s beautiful. It’s spreading everywhere.”

By Simon of Revolutionary Initiative.

In his Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art, Mao said that revolutionaries and specialists in the arts should pay attention to the art  produced by the masses, whether it be literature, drama, music, visual art or reporting in village level newspapers.  Street art would be no exception.

The importance of street art to the people comes through in the following film about revolutionary graffiti in Egypt.  Contrary to the view promoted by the state and the bourgeoisie that street art is vandalism and a threat to public safety, an artist describes how revolutionary murals gives oppressed communities a sense of pride and solidarity.

More revolutionary Egyptian street art can be found on the facebook group Revolution Graffiti.

Street art is also not limited to traditionally painted murals.  Street artists around the world are also constantly innovating new practices to communicate with the people.  Let’s look at some examples.

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