Willie King (March 18, 1943 – March 8, 2009) was an American blues guitarist and singer, known for shunning fame and playing at a local bar in Mississippi.
King was born in Prairie Point, a community in Noxubee County, Mississippi near the Alabama border. Prior to recording, he worked as a share cropper, moonshine maker and traveling salesman to name but a few of his many occupations. Later he became active with the civil rights movement, which inspired him to write socially conscious blues songs. In 1983 he founded the Rural Members Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the traditional rural skills King had grown up with, which he called 'survival skills,' and helping improve his local community. In 1997, the Rural Members Association started the annual Freedom Creek blues festival, which has since received international recognition. He began recording in 1999 and his 2000 recordings Freedom Creek and I Am The Blues, were the first of several acclaimed albums.
Its good to be a man these days
dont have no conscious about my evil ways
dont ever feel bad for the awful things I say
its good to be a man these days
To be a man would be serene
drinking beer till i get mean
chewing tabaco
kissing girl like lifes a dream
to be a man would be serene
and i bet it gets tiering
always having to be right
well id love to be a cheating man
to fill those lonely nights
to be a man would be just fine
my only worry would be my reseeding hair line
i only give love thats on my own time
to be a man would be just fine
to be a man would be damn good
id do dumb things cause i should
getting stuck in a ditch like my woman knew i would
to be a man would be damn good