Salim Mehajer video 'chilling' for domestic violence victims, Mick Fuller says

A video of Salim Mehajer screaming obscenities and making threats, allegedly towards his wife and her family, would be "chilling" viewing for anyone who has experienced domestic violence, NSW Police deputy commissioner Mick Fuller said.

Nine Network program A Current Affair aired the videos of the former Auburn deputy mayor on Monday night after it says they were leaked by a concerned friend of Mr Mehajer's estranged wife Aysha Learmonth.

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Police: Mehajer video 'chilling'

Calling the A Current Affair video of Salim Mehajer's tirades "chilling," Assistant Police Commissioner Mick Fuller appealed for the victim to come forward.

The vision shows a furious Mr Mehajer sitting in a car and shouting at what appears to be a mobile phone camera.

"Aysha, you've got five minutes to give me a call," Mr Mehajer says, in apparent reference to Ms Learmonth, who recently reverted to her maiden name. "If you don't call me in five minutes, I'm going to rape your mum, your mum and your f---ing dad. Call me now."

A second video shows Mr Mehajer spitting: "Aysha, I hope you die you slut," before saying in subtitled Arabic: "I swear on the Koran, I swear on God."

He continues in English: "I'm not leaving today. And I hope you die you f---ing slut. You f---ing f---ed 12 guys you slut". He brings his face closer to the camera as he screams "You f---ing slut" repeatedly.


Asst Comm Fuller, who is the NSW Police corporate spokesman on domestic and family violence, told radio station 2GB on Tuesday afternoon that the vision was being investigated but there was a way to go before charges could be laid.

"Detectives from Sydney City [Local Area Command] have got the video, and the next part of the investigation will be trying to identify who was that footage for and where was it sent, so there's a lot that needs to be done," he said.

Assistant Commissioner Mick Fuller is the NSW Police spokesman for domestic violence.
Assistant Commissioner Mick Fuller is the NSW Police spokesman for domestic violence. Photo: Dallas Kilponen

"Anyone who has been a victim of domestic violence and who has a partner who perhaps has two faces will say that's exactly what they have to deal with. That's chilling type of behaviour that people don't show to the public but victims of domestic violence see in private.

"Really, there would be so many victims of domestic violence watching that footage at the moment and just reliving what could have been a terrible time for them. It just reinforces why we need to do more in this [domestic violence] space."

Salim Mehager questioned by a journalist outside his Lidcombe home on Tuesday.
Salim Mehager questioned by a journalist outside his Lidcombe home on Tuesday. Photo: Kate Geraghty

Asst Comm Fuller agreed with the radio program's host Ben Fordham that the video "absolutely" portrayed a "Jekyll and Hyde" character.

"Absolutely," he said. "It's a constant thought, people think domestic violence is just someone turning up with a black eye or a split lip. But quite often the coercive, controlling partner who are really violent behind closed doors, they present as a very different person in public. Again, there would be many victims who watched that tape last night, it would be chilling for them."

Salim Mehajer yells into the camera in a video broadcast by the Nine Network.
Salim Mehajer yells into the camera in a video broadcast by the Nine Network. Photo: A Current Affair

Asst Comm Fuller said there was a criminal investigation under way and police would aim to speak to the recipient of the rant.

"Like with anything, there needs to be a victim. What we need to do is really focus our efforts on finding the victim in that matter and securing as much evidence as we can to see if there's a criminal prosecution that will follow," he said.

Salim Mehajer and his estranged wife Aysha pictured at their wedding in August 2015.
Salim Mehajer and his estranged wife Aysha pictured at their wedding in August 2015.  Photo: Facebook

"At the end of the day, if that tape was meant for someone, we certainly need to speak to that person first and try to get the best evidence we can to put the matter before the court."

As a media pack camped outside Mr Mehajer's lavish house on Tuesday, he released a statement to Fairfax Media claiming the vision had been taken "out of context".

"Aysha is a beautiful, warm, amazing individual, whom I believe was betrayed, or set-up by someone who supplied A Current Affair with these out of context videos to make a sensationalised story," he said.

Following the video's release, Mr Mehajer received significant backlash on his Facebook account, which was soon deleted.

with Megan Levy