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Recent Comments

Ed Lytwak: The Limits of Excellence
Coffey is describing what I call the faux feminism of individual privilege. It is a feminism based…
Juan Corso: The Globalization of Trump
Funny, but, is this article suggesting that a politician like Trump is the only problem in USA?
Tom Johnson: Fight for $15 Organizers Tell SEIU: We Need $15 and a Union
Thanks to David Moberg for this. This is so typical of SEIU and concretely reveals the fundamental hypocrisy and corruption…
Lorene Foutch: Postal Workers Stare Down Canada Post
I am genuinely glad to glance at this webpage posts which consists of plenty of useful facts, thanks for providing…
Barry Wood: Milwaukee’s War on Black People
“Those who passively accept evil are as much involved in it as those who help to perpetrate it. Those…
Tyler Healey: Presidential Elections Need Not Matter So Much
Thank you for this important piece. I have been trying to organize an occupation of Capitol Hill in Washington,…
Richard Bluhm: Presidential Elections Need Not Matter So Much
Leadership is a complex phenomenon. A ship needs a captain. A church needs a pastor. A corporation…
Clifton Schreiner: Postal Workers Stare Down Canada Post
Go online find the michael kors black friday for football,basketball and baseball. And the Michael Kors Handbags Black Friday, Michael…
Tom Johnson: Clinton Vs. Trump: Treacherous Foreign Policy
So will Bennis, who supported the LEV strategy last time, aggressively swear it off this go-round and actively support Stein/Baraka…
Ed Lytwak: One City Is Following Through on Protests of Confederate Monuments
What about the monuments to Cville's founding serial slave rapist, aka Thomas Jefferson? No UVA, their is no…
Dacia Foley: Postal Workers Stare Down Canada Post
Howdy! I know this is sort of off-topic however I needed to ask. Does managing a well-established blog such as…
Barry Wood: North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux aren’t backing down to oil pipeline developers
“Hear my voice and the voice of my ancestors. The destiny of your people is a mystery…
Michael Albert: Our Revolution!?
John, Perhaps I am misunderstanding, but I don't get the reference to optimism or pessimism...as central issues…
Ron Graham-Becker: What is My Duty as a Progressive Voter?
The problem with regressive politics, in contradistinction to "progressive" politics, is that the progressively-activated person acts progressive, and isn't apologizing…
John Vincent: Our Revolution!?
I admire your optimism, especially in the face of what the "Our Revolution" website is currently offering in exchange for…
Barry Wood: Bds Doesn’t Delegimitize Israel, Mr. Prime Minister – Your Effort To Ban It Does
"Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong." Gandhi.
Eugene Bru: Sanders ready to launch ‘Our Revolution’
Paul D, FYI- Sanders left the Democratic party with the quickness. He is back to being an independent.
Tom Johnson: The Futility of Air Strikes in the War on Terror
This piece is excellent in presenting the details of the many horrors of U.S./allied airpower. However, it has an essentially…
Curtis Cooper: Sanders ready to launch ‘Our Revolution’
It is encouraging that Sanders will continue to politically organize under the loose banner of "revolution," in a way that…
Paul D: Lexit delusionaries
Wow! The resemblance of the pro-Brexit "left" and the similar "never Hillary" (effectively pro-Trump) left on this side of…
Richard Bluhm: Sanders ready to launch ‘Our Revolution’
Questions: #1. Do you believe that there is such a thing as a shadow government or deep state that…
Reg Tydell: Liberal Antiwar Activism is the Problem
Thanks for an excellent article Vincent. I'd be interested in your thoughts on Iraq Veterans Against The War (and…
Peter Bohmer: Interviewing Miguel Rodriguez
Very thoughtful and informative interview about Venezuela in the recent past and present and on Hugo Chavez.
gary olson: Sanders ready to launch ‘Our Revolution’
For another perspective see: http://dissidentvoice.org/2016/08/im-for-jill-not-hill/ http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/08/10/let-the-battle-of-lesser-evils-commence/
gary olson: Sanders ready to launch ‘Our Revolution’
Clinton, yet. Thanks for the correction. Groggy at 5 a.m.
Paul D: Sanders ready to launch ‘Our Revolution’
I assume you mean Sanders endorsement of Clinton. Considering that: 1. The next president will be…
george patterson: Optimism
Noam Chomsky is wise in advising us that it is muchbetter to pursue optimism of the will rather than to…
gary olson: Sanders ready to launch ‘Our Revolution’
First, launching "Our Revolution" as an adjunct to the Democratic Party is a nonstarter. Second, what if Trump drops out…
Kai Katsi: I Support Hillary Clinton. So Should Everyone Who Voted for Me
I think Julian Assange framed the issue well in his address to the Green Party Convention just a few days…
Tom Johnson: Women Day Laborers Are Tired of Waiting for Work, and for Justice
"A new study by Brooklyn-based Worker’s Justice Project (WJP) and Cornell’s Worker Institute, reveals surprising details about the many overlooked…
Peter Bohmer: Thinking About the Election
I am including in quotes the last sentence from my above commentary, the one Michael criticized.…
Michael Albert: Thinking About the Election
Peter, If I have disrespected anyone, in any piece, I would like to know that by reference to the…
Peter Bohmer: Thinking About the Election
Dear Michael and Steve, (This is a letter I sent to long-term friends, Michael Albert and Steven Shalom on…
Paul D: I Support Hillary Clinton. So Should Everyone Who Voted for Me
You are not telling us anything I or Sen Sanders does not know! Repeating the same biolerplate slogan-like…
Tom Johnson: Liberal Antiwar Activism is the Problem
Emanuele (sp.), sorry
Tom Johnson: Liberal Antiwar Activism is the Problem
Ms. Rcisi: Your observations are spot on. And what you say of liberals is also true of…
Tom Johnson: Liberal Antiwar Activism is the Problem
Another fine piece by Emmanuale drawn from his experience in the University of Real Life. The title is especially apt…
John Vincent: Thinking About the Election
I find it goofy that the main point of my comment is ignored and the least relevant part, something made…
Tom Johnson: I Support Hillary Clinton. So Should Everyone Who Voted for Me
This kind of pandering and self-humiliation is truly a sick thing to see. Clinton understands one thing and one thing…
Paul D: Trump vs Hillary
What about the majority of USAns well to the right of Clinton for whom Clinton is trying to connect?…
Richard Bluhm: Liberal Antiwar Activism is the Problem
Vincent - Several other gray-hairs like myself have been conducting an anti-war vigil for the last eleven years. We hold…
Paul D: Thinking About the Election
Chris, Many of the West Virginia homes with Trump signs I've seen along highway 219 tend to…
Paul D: Thinking About the Election
Actually, Michael's analogy is well-taken, but if it helps you to understand it, forget the Hitler part. If both…
Ron Graham-Becker: Thinking About the Election
Michael, I do understand the concept (LEV) that you are so passionate about. But where's the debate?…
Ana Rcisi: Thinking About the Election
Well, the primary argument _you_ have to deal with is that of the insignificance of a single vote in an…
John Vincent: Thinking About the Election
Why must everyone bring up Hitler. I just think it is ironic that Trump has become so obviously bad that…
Michael Albert: Thinking About the Election
Your closing is hard for me to comprehend. If you and Stalin both say you hate Hitler, or, if you…
Michael Albert: Thinking About the Election
Please don't take this wrong but how does having not voted for Clinton in a contested state give you…
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