Definition of plagiarism in English:

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Pronunciation: /ˈpleɪdʒərɪz(ə)m/


[mass noun]
The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own: there were accusations of plagiarism [count noun]: it claims there are similar plagiarisms in the software produced at the university
More example sentences
  • Anyone with that academic background knows the serious consequences of plagiarism of words and ideas.
  • Students are particularly vulnerable to dangerous practices such as plagiarism.
  • Journalists don't have the monopoly on plagiarism, nor are they the worst offenders.
copying, infringement of copyright, piracy, theft, stealing, poaching, appropriation
informal cribbing



Pronunciation: /ˈpleɪdʒərɪst/
Example sentences
  • He has inspired imitators, tolerated plagiarists and confounded the computer geeks who try in vain to turn his craft into software.
  • Unlike the countless self-pitying plagiarists who have followed in his wake, his was not simply another all-American whine.
  • I often wonder what journalism's legendary scribes would say about this year's crop of liars, plagiarists, and incompetents.


Pronunciation: /pleɪdʒəˈrɪstɪk/
Example sentences
  • Which means, of course, that the folks at Shanghai Daily aren't really a bunch of unoriginal plagiaristic copycats.
  • Unless of course I merely forgot I'd heard it and it slowly burrowed its way back into my conscious, furtively enough to avoid plagiaristic suspicion and think, for one small, precious moment, that it might have been mine.
  • A more plagiaristic reworking of the Doors’ ‘Riders on the Storm’ I have yet to hear.


Early 17th century: from Latin plagiarius 'kidnapper' (from plagium 'a kidnapping', from Greek plagion) + -ism.

  • This term for taking someone's ideas and passing them off as one's own is from Latin plagiarius ‘kidnapper’. The Latin poet Martial ( ad 40–c.102) used the term in one of his poems for a literary thief.

For editors and proofreaders

Line breaks: pla¦giar|ism

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