
Former Brisbane teacher a 'creep': boy

A boy who was allegedly molested by a former Brisbane private school teacher told police he felt the way the man touched him crossed "a line".

Kevin Jaey Robert Crisp is on trial in the Brisbane District Court, where he is defending a total of five counts.

A teacher is on trial accused of indecent treatment.
A teacher is on trial accused of indecent treatment. Photo: Louie Douvis

These include charges of indecent treatment of a child under 16 and maintaining an unlawful relationship with a child.

The jury on Tuesday viewed a taped police interview from July 2014 with one of the three complainants.

In it, the boy told police Crisp had completed a massage course and would demonstrate apparent techniques on him to relieve muscle soreness.

"I feel like sometimes it crosses a line and I feel like he should stop," he said.


The conduct made the students feel uncomfortable because Crisp would get "very close", he said.

He said the man didn't touch his penis but on one occasion "nudged" the side of his testicles as he removed his hands from the boy's body.

He said he knew the teacher would have stopped if he'd asked him to.

He also said Crisp was a "great teacher" and, in taped cross-examination from August 2015, admitted to making him a card in which he thanked the man for being an "awesome and caring" staff member.

The trial continues.


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