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Lawsuit Launched to Protect Blue Whales, Other Endangered Animals From Offshore Fracking in California

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Lawsuit Filed to Protect Threatened Marbled Murrelet From Logging on Former Elliott State Forest

Chambered Nautilus, 'Living Fossil' Depleted by International Shell Trade, Moves Toward Endangered Species Act Protection

1.8 Million Acres of Sierra Nevada Habitat Protected for Imperiled Frogs, Toads

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Offshore fracking is a dirty, dangerous practice. Some fracking chemicals can kill fish, crustaceans and zooplankton — the base of the ocean food chain; others can dangerously build up in sea otters. Thankfully, oil companies' use of fracking has been on hold in federal waters following a recent Center legal settlement. But that could soon change, given a recent proposal from the Obama administration to allow oil companies to resume business as usual. We can't let the proposal go through. Urge the feds to ban offshore fracking in our precious California ocean.




CBDThe Center for Biological Diversity works through science, law and creative media to secure a future for all species, great or small, hovering on the brink of extinction. Learn more about the Center for Biological Diversity.


Hear the call of the wild? You're not alone. Our endangered species ringtones have been downloaded about 700,000 times in nearly 180 countries.


A Wild Success report cover

Endangered Earth Online, August 25, 2016

Suit Launched to Speed Protection for 417 Species


Generation Wild
Young people can make a difference too. Check out our Generation Wild website with tips on being a young conservationist, tools for taking action and a lot of fun stuff to read, do and see.


A Wild Success for Birds
Our new report — the most in-depth of its kind — examines the population trends of all 120 bird species that have ever been protected under the Endangered Species Act, finding that this crucial law has been extraordinarily successful in recovering imperiled birds. Read the report now.

Bring Back the Bears
The grizzly is a main feature of California’s state flag — yet for nearly a century, this bear has been missing from the Golden State, including the Sierra Nevada. Watch our fun new PSAs, check out our website and sign our petition to help grizzlies return to California.

Keep It in the Ground
Ending new fossil fuel leasing on America's public lands and offshore areas would keep up to 450 billion tons of greenhouse gases from polluting our atmosphere, says a new study commissioned by the Center and Friends of the Earth. Take action.

Oil Agency Putting California on Shaky Ground
A Center investigation finds reckless regulators letting oil companies drill dangerously close to earthquake faults. Check out our interactive map.

Nuestro Trabajo en México
Mexico hosts a stunning array of species, but too many are imperiled. The Center just opened an office in La Paz to help save sea turtles, vaquitas and other wildlife in trouble. Read about our Mexico work en español or in English.

Historic Agreement for 757 Species
So far more than 100 species have won protection following our historic 2011 settlement compelling the feds to make progress on safeguarding 757 of the country's most imperiled, least protected species. More species are nearing protection now.

Politics of Extinction
Despite its success, the Endangered Species Act is under attack like never before. Congressional Republicans have launched a barrage of legislative assaults on endangered species in recent years, seeking to block, remove or weaken their protections. Read our report.

Restoring the Gray Wolf
We're fighting to help all U.S. gray wolves get back the protections they need to recover in habitat across the country. Losing safeguards would bring their progress to a grinding halt.

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