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Chronicle AM: MA Init Passes Two Hurdles, Feds Ease Docs' Buprenorphine Limits, More... (7/6/16), 07/06/2016

Chronicle AM: Bumper Afghan Opium Crop, No Monopoly Needed for MJ Research, Says State, More... (5/5/16), 05/05/2016

Chronicle AM: VT Poll Says Legalize, SC MedMJ Moves, Naloxone OTC at CVS in 14 States, More (9/24/15), 09/24/2015

As Peace Negotiations Advance, Colombia Revamps Drug Policy [FEATURE], 09/23/2015

On the UN's Global Anti-Drug Day, Civil Society Fights Back [FEATURE], 06/26/2015

Chronicle AM: Denver Public Pot Use Effort, House GOP Eases Up on Needle Exchange Ban, More (6/18/05), 06/18/2015

Chronicle AM: Reps Challenge DOJ on Dispensary Prosecutions, CO Harm Reduction Bills, More (4/3/15), 04/03/2015

Chronicle AM: Asset Forfeiture Reforms Blocked, AL Life Sentence for Pot, Ominous Afghan Opium News, More (2/18/15), 02/18/2015

Chronicle AM: NM Legalization Vote, CA MedMJ Organ Transplant Bill, VA Harm Reduction Bills, More (2/12/15), 02/12/2015

Chronicle AM: Pot Use Up in Legal States, Bolivia Chides US on Drug War, Las Vegas Dispensaries Coming Soon, More (12/30/14), 12/30/2014

US fights drug war across Asia. Afghan opium production reaches new highs. Thai officials escalate war on drugs. Click here to find out more.

The US Justice Department issued indictments of several members of the FARC, accusing them of raising funds through cocaine trafficking. Concerns arise that drug war, terror war are elements of America's culture war. For more information click here.

Two Wars At Once

It's a simple formula: Prohibition creates a funding source for terrorists. And so, as the US pours more and more resources into the war against terrorism, the question arises whether the US can truly fight these two different 'wars' at once. Click here for more info.

ONDCP made the biggest federal advertising buy in history with a $3.2 million minute on SuperBowl XXXVI. The ads, which seem to seek to demonize drug users as being responsible for terrorism overseas and at home, draw criticism from public, press. Meanwhile reformers point out "It's the prohibition, Mr. President." Click here for more info. Also check out this Op-Ed by Kevin Zeese, "Drug Terror Link Shows Sloppy Thinking Of Drug War Advocates."

As the US government builds its coalition against terrorism, attention should turn toward the US's allies. The result has been a growing awareness of the links between drug traffickers and producers, official corruption, arms dealing, rebel groups, and terrorists around the world. For more background information and some of the history of narcoterrorism, click here .

There is a growing body of information on the links between drug prohibition, crime, arms trafficking and terrorist groups. Click here for links to online resources.

The U.S. seeks to choke off profits from the Central Asian drug trade that it claims are used to buy arms and explosives. But important allies in Washington's struggle against terror are also believed to be reaping the rewards of that nation's heroin trade. Click here for more.

Is the funding of terrorism another unintended consequence of drug prohibition? Click here to view a recent Common Sense ad dealing with the issue of prohibition funding terrorism.

As officials concentrate on the details of the US war on terrorism, some are taking the opportunity to advance an another agenda: heightening the Drug War. Click here for more.

"The vast illegal enterprises that the U.N. says are raking in some $400 billion a year -- the powerful, murderous combines that threaten to overwhelm the rule of law itself -- all could be cut off instantly by simply taking the drug trade out of the hands of the gangsters and putting it in the hands of government regulators -- just as we finally were forced to do with alcohol."
Click here for more about " Prohibition & Terrorism."

"As we embark on a renewed war against terrorism it would be wise to more honestly look at the war on drugs - since like terrorism it is without national boundaries against an undefined enemy. We cannot afford to have our anti-terrorism efforts fail as clearly as the drug war has failed so we better learn from our mistakes."
Click here for more "Lessons From The Drug War."

Terror War: DEA launches offensive against sick, dying Americans by targeting medical cannabis clinics. The public asks: Is this how to fight a war against? Click here for more info.

Why did the Office of National Drug Control Policy spend $3.5 Million on advocacy ads when half the people who want drug treatment can't get it? Is it because the drug war is losing public support?

Following are some very informative articles that help provide more background and information on the US's War on Drugs and its War on Terrorism.

copyright © 2001-2010, Common Sense for Drug Policy,
Kevin B. Zeese, President -- Mike Gray, Chairman -- Robert E. Field, Co-Chairman & Executive Director -- Melvin R. Allen, Director -- Doug McVay, Editor & Research Director