
Complexities of Autonomy: Part Three of Four

A brief look at Latin American autonomous movements and their contradictions, third part of a four part overview of autonomous movements

A short history of the 'Star of Peru' Bakery Workers' Federation (FOPEP)

On 10 April 1887 a few dozen bakery employees in Lima got together to launch the ‘Star of Peru’ (Estrella del Peru) Bakery Workers’ Society (SOPEP: Sociedad de Obreros Panaderos Estrella del Perú), affiliating to the Universal Union Artisans’ Confederation as federated branch No 9.

Peru: The ideology of apocalypse Shining Path to what?

A 1993 article criticising the effect the Maoist Shining Path's decades long conflict has had on Peru and advocating instead a confederation of the Andes.

Announcing @latinlibnews: keeping you up to speed on Latin America in 140 characters

Announcing a new Twitter account that will provide irregular and brief updates on social movements and news of interest to libertarian communists in Latin America.

Women’s popular movement and the Shining Path: The contradictions of patriarchal women's emancipation

Please enjoy this original piece I recently wrote, about women's liberation and the Peruvian Shining Path guerrilla movement. Any feedback and constructive criticism is welcome.

Anarcho-syndicalism in Peru, 1905-1930 - Steven Hirsch

General strike, Peru, 1933.

Article about the Peruvian anarcho-syndicalist movement with details of its influential involvement in numerous strikes, its far-reaching network of cultural associations and its influences from other syndicalist movements in the region.

Topy Top mass sacking sparks Zara protests call

The mass sacking of 35 trade union organisers at Topy Top, Peru's most profitable textiles exporter, has prompted a callout for worldwide protests against near slave-labour conditions at the firm's factories.

Six killed in Peru miners strike clashes

Six people were killed on April 5 when police attacked a roadblock set up by miners on a wildcat strike.

Peru: National mining strike to start on Monday

Peruvian miners' march, May 2007

Peru's biggest federation of mining unions said workers will go on strike nationwide starting on Monday despite efforts by the government to avert the walkout, officials said on Sunday.

‘General strike’ spreads across Peru

Riot police in Cuzco

As an indefinite teachers strike continues into its 12th day, farmers, miners and construction workers joined the protests, with one farmer shot dead by police.