
If only Australia were proud of us: Olympic champion Kim Brennan on sport's role in nation-building

Rio de Janeiro: I was in a taxi when Rafaela Silva won Brazil's first gold at the Rio Games. My taxi driver openly wept. We may not have shared a common language, but at that moment, there was no need for words.

For the Brazilian people, Silva became so much more than a sportsperson. She became a beacon for hope. From the poorest and most dangerous of favelas to Olympic champion. She had ascended the impossible social divide.

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Rio 2016: Tallent sets his sights on Tokyo gold

After an exhausting silver medal finish that sent Jared Tallent off in a wheelchair, the four-time medallist is still keen to claim the golden win he was denied in London.

A Brazilian friend of mine, Isabel Swan, bronze medallist in sailing in Beijing 2008, gets emotional talking about what the Olympics mean to her people. She sees the huge expense and terrible social problems, but she also sees the Olympics as a cocoon out of which a butterfly of national pride can emerge to build a happier future.

"Many people here do not have much reference. They think, maybe I be a driver."

Flagbearer: Kim Brennan.
Flagbearer: Kim Brennan. Photo: AP

But seeing Silva overcome such adversity brings hope to the people. Some will want to follow sport, but others are given permission to hope for a better life, whatever that may be.

When Jared Tallent walked to a silver medal in the 50-kilometre walk, he displayed courage beyond words. His story is one of patience, and perseverance. He was awarded his London Olympics gold medal long after his rightful time – his vanquisher being one of many drug cheats later swept up in retrospective testing.


His post-race interview was one of sportsmanship. He spoke with reverence towards gold medallist, and friend, Matej Toth. The Olympic spirit was alive and well.

He may not be a doctor working in a rural community, or a single parent, or a research scientist, but heroes are in the eyes of the beholder, and Tallent is my hero.

Silva celebrates winning the 57-kilogram final.
Silva celebrates winning the 57-kilogram final. Photo: Getty Images

He will have inspired Australians in ways that cannot be neatly summarised into a cost-benefit analysis.

Some Australians might be inspired to take up sport, but much beyond that, Australians of all walks of life are given a touching reminder of the importance of patience and personal integrity. Tallent teaches lessons that resonate far beyond the sports field.

Media outlets are hastily calculating the cost of each medal won at these Olympics, as if Olympic success can be reduced to a dollar value (and equally concerning, as if "non-medal" performances are shameful or without value).

Other commentators are calling for athletes to pay back the cost of their training in a HECS style scheme. Comments sections abound with assertions that athletes are entitled, selfish idiots rolling in sponsor endorsements and wasting our taxpayer money.

I am vehemently protective of my teammates. Even in individual events, performance is about teamwork and the support networks around the athlete.

That moment of "glory" is a collective one. It is a moment for all involved to savour. As athletes, we compete both for the innate satisfaction of producing our best performance when it matters, but also for the people around us: our coaches, our families, our friends, our country.

Very few of us have sponsors. Many of us receive less than the dole or youth allowance to support our training. Most receive no funding in pocket at all. We do this because we try to become our best selves and because we are proud of our country.

If only our country was proud of us.

The life of an elite athlete is a wonderful one. We are incredibly fortunate. We make sacrifices entirely of our own volition. So many Australians make sacrifices to get food on the table, to pay bills, to care for loved ones. Why should sport get funded while so many go without?

Comparing funding an athlete to paying for life-saving treatment for cancer patients or shelter for homeless people appears an insurmountable comparison. 

We would all like a bigger pie with more pieces.

But on the scale of government investment, high performance sport is the smallest of slivers. So does it matter to us?

I believe it does.

There is a reason why more and more countries are investing in sport. It is a nation-builder in a time when national boundaries are being eroded. It is a vessel that gives us something to unite in a collective. Something that brings us together over the water cooler, on the train, walking the dog. Something to bring joy and hope.

Sometimes what starts as a mere ripple can make life-changing waves. Dig a little deeper and you will see our Olympians making a big difference in the community.

In my own sport, Community Rowing in Boston has made significant inroads in educating underprivileged youth. I have campaigned for healthy lifestyles through the Good Sports Program. The World Rowing community has united together to fund a project for clean water conservation in Zambia – a facility to host academics to research world water usage solutions.

One ripple can touch so many, Cathy Freeman and Rafaela Silva inspired entire nations, not only to play sport, but to be better versions of ourselves. Without funding in sport (government or otherwise) I fear we may not know what we have lost until it has gone.

Australian rower Kim Brennan won Olympic gold for women's single sculls in Rio 2016.