Tamara Hernández sentenced to eight years in prison [UPDATED]

From Tokata (September 14, 2011):

The Court of Barcelona has sentenced anarchist Tamara Hernández Heras to eight years in prison for sending a letter-bomb to former Prison Services General Secretary Albert Batlle in October 2009.

Hernández was to be tried today in the seventh circuit of the Court of Barcelona, but she ultimately accepted the reduced sentence offered by the Prosecutor’s Office, settling for eight years in prison—half of what the Prosecutor’s Office initially requested, according to court sources.

Had Hernández not accepted the plea deal, the prosecutor would likely have pushed for a 16-year sentence—12 years for attempted murder and 4 years for possession of explosives.

Despite strict security measures, a demonstration protesting Hernández’ sentence was held at the entrance to the Court of Barcelona.

At the moment, she is out of prison, awaiting the results of a petition for a partial reprieve that could reduce her sentence.

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