- published: 11 Nov 2016
- views: 174
Peter often is used to refer to Saint Peter, a disciple of Jesus Christ. It can also refer to many other people, of which only a few are listed here. This page only lists people commonly referred to as "Peter" and nothing else; for others, please see List of people named Peter.
Simun may refer to:
Ateliér Maroša Kramára uvádza škandalóznu salónnu komédiu LORDI hrajú: Maroš Kramár, Jozef Vajda, Peter Šimun
Moderátor Martin Nikodým, kapitáni tímov Adela Banášová s Danom Danglom a šestica súťažiacich nás prostredníctvom zábavných súťaží prevedú svetom slovenského filmu, televízie, športu, hudby, jazyka a iných zaujímavostí Slovenska. Súťažia: Ľubo Bukový, Ivana Ilgová a Peter Šimun na strane Adely a Dominika Dadíková, Juraj Loj a Jana Hubinská na Danovej strane. Zdroj: http://www.rtvs.sk/ CSFD: http://www.csfd.cz/film/337518-milujem-slovensko/ Autor: Môj úmysel nahrávania tejto relácie nieje porušiť autorské práva RTVS ale sprístupniť túto reláciu divákom aj mimo Slovenskej republiky, týmto chcem vyzvať RTVS a aj ostatných užívateľov aby nenahlasovali tento a podobný video obsah ako porušenie autorských práv ale aby sprístupnila svoj TV archív aj v zahraničí množstvu Slovákom ktorý tam žij...
Ukážka slovenského dabingu: Peter Šimun - Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura), Vladimír Bartoň - Ian McNeice (Fulton Greenwall).
prezentácia - https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0AbyM8Q5XUoHRZGQ1Z3N2bXdfMTE2ZDNjc2puZmY&hl;=en&authkey;=CI3u9OsB Úvod do 4. stretnutia gtug.sk. Niečo málo o histórii a súčasnosti. všetky videá GTUG4: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=48F5CFCE3BA73270 Prednáška bola časťou 4.stretnutia slovenského GTUG (gtug.sk). Viac o nej na blogu http://blog.gtug.sk/2011/01/fotoreportaz-zo-stretnutia-gtug4.html
Žáner - Dráma Réžia - Jozef Zachar Hrajú - Pavel Višňovský, Zuzana Frenglová, Josef Karlík, Milan Drotár, Katarína Vrzalová, Július Vašek, Peter Šimun, Peter Gažo, Eva Brožková a ďalší. Dramatické osudy mladého učitel'a, ktorý v roku 1943 prichádza na svoje prvé pôsobisko na východné Slovensko. V napätej spoločenskej situácii na konci éry vojnového štátu postupne spoznáva zaostalosť a biedu dedinčanov a dostáva sa do nebezpečného konfliktu s režimom i s jeho slovenskými kolaborantami.
Žáner - Rozprávka / krátkometrážny Réžia - Jozefína Šujanová Hrajú - Ján Kroner ml., Miro Noga, Yveta Weiszová, Oľga Páleníková, Peter Šimun, Ondrej Jariabek, Marián Slovák a ďalší. Pôvodná televízna rozprávka o dvoch bratoch, ktorí prekabátia lakomého boháča.
Videospot prehliadky Týždeň slovenského filmu 2016. - - - Réžia: Andrej Kolenčík & Veronika Kocourková Hrajú: Eva Pavlíková, Peter Šimun Produkcia: Simona Hrušovská Kamera: Ivo Miko Masky: Barbora Pieštanská Rekvizity: Veronika Kocourková, Lukáš Zubek Kostýmy: Veronika Kocourková, Filip Kuneš Vizuálne efekty: András Cséfalvay, Juraj Tomori Zvuk: Miloš Hanzély Hudba: Martin Hasák, Teapot Voiceover: Štefan Bučko Asistent: Tomáš Hrdlička
Pohádka Československo / Západní Německo, 1984, 94 min Režie: Miloslav Luther Předloha: Jacob Grimm (kniha), Wilhelm Grimm (kniha) Scénář: Tibor Vichta Kamera: Vladimír Holloš Hudba: Jiří Stivín Hrají: Adriana Romanová-Tarábková, Lukáš Vaculík, Zita Furková, Maria Schell, Gerhard Olschewski, Marián Labuda st., Bronislav Poloczek, Peter Šimun, František Kovár, Vlado Černý, Peter Bzdúch, Ľudovít Kroner, Michal Gučík
Human reproduction is complicated an important, and it's going to take a four part series for us to cover it. Today, we're kicking that off with the female reproductive system, starting with how sex hormones affect oogenesis and ovulation, continuing through how the ovarian and menstrual cycles mature and release oocytes, and create a comfy uterine environment for a fertilized egg. CC Anatomy & Physiology Poster http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-anatomy-and-physiology-poster Table of Contents Female Reproductive Anatomy 1:58 Sex Hormones Affect Oogenesis and Ovulation 3:15 Ovarian and Menstrual Cycles Mature and Release Oocytes 4:05 Uterine Environments and Fertilized Eggs 7:10 *** Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com...
Nachos are delicious. And versatile because today they're also going to help us learn a thing or two about your digestive system. Nachos can provide us with energy and raw materials, by first ingesting something nutritious, propelling it through the alimentary canal where it will be mechanically broken down, and chemically digested by enzymes until my cells can absorb their monomers and use them to make whatever they need. And eventually, there will be pooping. Table of Contents Ingestion 6:24 Propulsion 7:00 Mechanical Breakdown 7:38 Digestion 8:01 Absorption 8:30 Defecation 8:50 *** Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash C...
Nearly 200 years ago, Alexis St. Martin was shot in the stomach. He was saved by local army doctor William Beaumont, but had to live out his remaining years with a gaping hole in the stomach -- allowing Beaumont to learn a lot about how human digestion works. So today we're going to walk you through that process. We'll cover how mechanical and chemical digestion start in the mouth and continues in the stomach, where it’s pummeled by acids and enzymes and turned into chyme. We will also go over the stomach’s cephalic, gastric, and intestinal phases of digestive regulation. Table of Contents Mechanical and Chemical Digestion Starts in the Mouth 2:45 Continues in the Stomach 4:37 Food is Pummeled by Acids and Enzymes and Turned Into Chyme 5:31 Cephalic, Gastric and Intestinal Phases of Diges...
In which Jacob and Adriene teach you about the evils of fiscal policy and stimulus. Well, maybe the policies aren't evil, but there is an evil lair involved. In this episode we learn how government use taxes and spending influence the economy. Sometimes the government gives, and sometimes it takes. And the giving and the taking can have a profound effect on how economies behave. Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever: Mark , Elliot Beter, Moritz Schmidt, Jeffrey Thompson, Ian Dundore, Jacob Ash, Jessica Wode, Today I Found Out, Christy Huddleston, James Craver, Chris Peters, SR Foxley, Steve M...
Today on Crash Course Economics, Adriene and Jacob talk about the 2008 financial crisis and the US Goverment's response to the troubles. So, all this starts with home mortgages, and the use of mortgages as an investment instrument. For years, it seemed like the US housing market would go up and up. Like a bubble or something. It turns out it was a bubble. But not the good kind. And the government response was...interesting. Anyway, why are you reading this? Watch the video! More Financial Crisis Resources: Financial Crisis Inquiry Report: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/GPO-FCIC/pdf/GPO-FCIC.pdf TAL: Giant Pool of Money: http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/355/the-giant-pool-of-money Timeline of the crisis: https://www.stlouisfed.org/financial-crisis/full-timeline htt...
Even though you probably don't choose to spend a lot of time thinking about it, your pee is kind of a big deal. Today we're talking about the anatomy of your urinary system, and how your kidneys filter metabolic waste and balance salt and water concentrations in the blood. We'll cover how nephrons use glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion to reabsorb water and nutrients back into the blood, and make urine with the leftovers. Anatomy of Hank poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-anatomy-and-physiology-poster Table of Contents Kidneys Filter Metabolic Waste & Balance Salt & Water Concentrations in the Blood 1:25 Nephrons 4:13 Glomerular Filtration 4:37 Tublar Reabsorption 5:14 Tubular Secretion 8:17 Urine 8:40 *** Crash Course is on Patreon! Yo...
Metabolism is a complex process that has a lot more going on than personal trainers and commercials might have you believe. Today we are exploring some of its key parts, including vital nutrients -- such as water, vitamins, minerals, carbs, fats, and proteins -- as well as how anabolic reactions build structures and require energy, while catabolic reactions tear things apart and release energy. Anatomy of Hank Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-anatomy-and-physiology-poster -- Table of Contents Water, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbs, Fats and Proteins 3:47 Anabolic Reactions Build Structures and Require Energy 2:59 Catabolic Reactions Tear Things Apart and Release Energy 3:17 Metabolism 2:30 *** Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http:/...
We talk a lot about Keynesian economics on this show, pretty much because the real world currently runs on Keynesian principles. That said, there are some other economic ideas out there, and today we're going to talk about a few of them. So, if you've been aching to hear about socialism, communism, the Chicago School, or the Austrian School, this episode is for you. Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever: Fatima Iqbal, Penelope Flagg, Eugenia Karlson, Alex S, Jirat, Tim Curwick, Christy Huddleston, Eric Kitchen, Moritz Schmidt, Today I Found Out, Avi Yashchin, Chris Peters, Eric Knight, Jacob A...
In which Adriene and Jacob teach you about how and why prices rise. Sometimes prices rise as a result of inflation, which is a pretty normal thing for economies to do. We'll talk about how across the board prices rise over time, and how economists track inflation. Bubbles are a pretty normal thing for humans to do. One item, like tulips or beanie babies or houses or tech startups experience a rapid rise in prices. This is often accompanied by speculation, a bunch of outrageous profits, and then a nasty crash when the bubble bursts. People get excited about rising prices, and next thing you know, people are trading their life savings for a tulip bulb. Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Thanks to the following Patrons...
If you're ever put in charge of a national economy, there are a few things you should try to avoid. Before you laugh, just remember, you COULD be in charge of an economy someday. Someone has to do it, and anyway, if it could happen to Alan Greenspan, it could happen to you, too. The first thing you're going to want to avoid is hyperinflation. Don't print too much money, okay? Actually, it's a little more complicated than that. Jacob and Adriene will explain. You're also going to want to stay away from recessions, and especially depressions. In the world as it exists today, continued growth is the only path to viability. While some argue for sustainability or even controlled recession, you're not going to keep a job as head of central bank thinking like that in this day and age. Also, avoid...