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IOPS Salem Chapter Meeting #25

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June 25, 2016.  In attendance: Sara Cromwell, Cheri Tebeau, Michael Tom, Michael Livingston; Absent: Jaqui Eicher, Bill Smaldone, Elliott Lapinel; Gone But Not Forgotten: Jo Bucklin Pictured: The Bettijos of the Lee, Summer 2013.   October 4, 1920 - June 10, 2016 Salem - Bettijo (Jo) Evans Bucklin died Friday, June 10, 2016 in Salem, Oregon. A native Coloradan she met and married her husband, Buck Bucklin, while attending Colorado College. A member of the Universal Unitarian faith,…


Elements for a strategy

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Realizing a society in accordance with our vision means a fundamental change in all social relations – in other words, a revolution. We probably all agree as to the urgency. A great many existential threats are converging upon humanity, the seriousness of which appears to be underestimated, as well as the amount of time that will be needed to change course. And powerful but short-sighted interests forcefully counter all changes that may offer a way out. We have never set out a strategy for…


Ideas for IOPS June 2016

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The future of IOPS is being discused a lot at the moment. I've been one of the core organisers of the London chapter (I think this is one of only two active chapters if I'm correct?). It feels like we are going strong in London, so I thought I'd give some input.  I'd like to answer this question by looking at the original idea of IOPS. My understanding is that the core original idea of IOPS was to form a website whch would help revolutionaries in different countries and towns, meet up, form…


Anarchism in the Kumamoto earthquakes

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I was caught up in the recent very serious earthquakes here in Kumamoto, Japan. I did several interviews and articles about it on the BBC, PRI radio, and newspapers, including this article where I focused on the anarchistic elements in the Japanese emergency volunteer system:   "What is called ‘Hinansho’ (避難所 place of refuge, shelter) system is, to me, an example of an anarchistic type system, operating on the lines of the political, philosophical system of anarchism. By which,…


Some More Possible Programmatic Ideas for Going Forward (0 signatories)

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Or Just Doing It. Following on from Peter’s last couple of posts (here and here): some rebel media reports about the rage that’s erupted in France of late (and whose energy we should all be trying to tap for the benefit of those who live and work where we do). It’s important to watch and share this stuff. Never underestimate the ‘monkey see, monkey do’ heuristic! In a way, the conditions for a global uprising already exist. There’s plenty to be furious about wherever…


Marina Sitrin: Lessons from Paris

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  Marina Sitrin: Lessons from Paris Z Communications Daily Commentary “To celebrate and imagine together”“To look at each other and smile”“No parties, no barriers, no labels”“Take Squares and rediscover hope”  Quotes taken from interviews in this film, done by the Nuit Debout TV group. Thousands gather every evening in the Place de la République, and even more during the days and nights of the weekends. Assemblies are held every evening…


International Call for Global Day of Action by Nuit Debout May 15th

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INTERNATIONAL CALL BY #NUITDEBOUT WE CALL FOR A #GLOBALDEBOUT DAY OF ACTION ON THE 15 OF MAY, 2016 We call on peoples movements across the world to mobilise for justice and real democracy on the 15 of May, 2016 for a #GLOBALDEBOUT. We invite you to come to Paris for an International Gathering of movements at Place de la Republic on May 7 and 8. Today #46mars (April 15) is just two weeks after one million people mobilized in Paris and the movement Nuit Debout continues to grow. In numerous French…


Reimagining IOPS

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Some of the comments at the IOPS members survey on the future of IOPS suggest that some of the members don’t have an accurate idea of the actual state of affairs at this moment. If IOPS seems like a ship on the open sea, adrift without a course, it is because there's no one on the bridge. It is empty, deserted, no hands on the wheel.  If we want it to go anywhere, the passengers will have to assume control. The formation of IOPS was the culmination of the Reimagining Society project started…