- published: 09 Sep 2016
- views: 1750734
In Greek mythology, Auge /ˈɔːdʒiː/ (Greek: Αὐγή) a daughter of Aleus and Neaera and priestess of Athena Alea at Tegea, bore the hero Telephus to Heracles. Her father had been told by an oracle that he would be overthrown by his grandson. She secreted the baby in the temple of Athena. A scarcity of grain alerted Aleus that there was a profanation of the temple, and he discovered the child.
In one version the baby was exposed on Mount Parthenion above Tegea, where Telephus was suckled by a deer.
In another version Auge was given to Nauplius ("sailor") who was to kill her, but who, taking pity, brought her to Teuthras, a king in Mysia, in Asia Minor. Alternatively, Auge and Telephus were put in a crate and set adrift on the sea. They washed up in Mysia, where Telephus later appeared in his wanderings; mother and son were about to consummate their marriage when they were parted by a thunderbolt.
In the time of Pausanias (2nd century CE), the tomb of Auge was still shown at Pergamon, where the Attalids venerated Telephus as a founding hero. In the Telephus frieze on the Great Altar of Pergamon, Auge appears in a subsidiary role.
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Pedro Maia (born May 3, 2002), better known by the stage name MC Pedrinho is a Brazilian singer, nationally known for the song "Dom Dom Dom", which has more than twenty million views in their official video. Pedrinho is nationally known for singing songs with sexual lyrics, considered unsuitable for his age. His songs have experienced an attempted ban by prosecutors within the national territory.
Peter began his career at age 12 in 2014, but was singing in a bazaar in Vila Maria, a neighborhood in the North Zone of São Paulo, at eight, influenced by the popularity of the genre in the environment. The first Pedrinho music that has knowledge was precisely its most successful entitled "Dom Dom Dom", with the participation of MC Livinho, which is clearly related to oral sex in the verse "If kneels, prepares and makes a blowjob good. " This song was released when Pedrinho had the age of only eleven years old, a fact that was not well received by the media. A few months later, Pedrinho launched a light version of the song in a video clip produced by Rio Tom Productions, without sex references. After this, it said in an interview that he would sing the pop music genre. He followed this path for a long time and continued with the so-called "daring funk".
Savaş Yurderi (born 10 February 1975) also known as Kool Savas (or as well King Kool Savas), is a German rapper and hip hop artist.
In 2012, he also collaborated in Xavas, a duo formation with Xavier Naidoo, a German Soul and R&B singer songwriter and actor in the album Gespaltene Persönlichkeit. The two had already worked together on a number of other releases.
Born in Aachen, Germany to a German mother and a Turkish father, Savas' family moved back to Turkey when he was one year old. His father, who is from Çorum, Turkey, was arrested because of his political posture against the government in Turkey, and as a result of his father's arrest, his mother was forced to return to Aachen with Savas.
His 2011 album Aura included a single with the same name and a song featuring Xavier Naidoo, titled LMS 2012. In May 2012, Savas announced a collaborative album with Xavier Naidoo titled Gespaltene Persönlichkeit under the alias "Xavas" scheduled for release in Germany on 21 September 2012. The tracklist was announced in August 2012, containing a total of 15 tracks
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Kool Savas "Auge" (Official HD Video 2016)
KC Rebell AUGE [ official Video ] prod. by Cubeatz
Das Auge - Aufbau
MC Bilal - Auge (Official Video)
Meine OP am Auge
Auge Team - Listen
El auge del populismo amenaza los derechos humanos, según organización no gubernamental
Achi Der Entertainer - Ich Küsse Dein Auge #bleibhelal (Official HD)
Das Auge Teil 1/2
MC Hariel e MC Pedrinho - Os Menino Imbico no Auge - ((4M no Toque do Jet)) (Lançamento 2016)
Actors: Dany Carrel (actress), Campbell Singer (actor), Dany Carrel (actress), Arnold Diamond (actor), Felix Aylmer (actor), Antoine Balpêtré (actor), Basil Sydney (actor), Donald Pleasence (actor), Peter R. Hunt (actor), Gertan Klauber (actor), Charles Lamb (actor), Christopher Lee (actor), George Merritt (actor), Mireille Perrey (actress), Mel Ferrer (actor),
Plot: A pianist has a transplant operation that gives him a new pair of hands. Unfortunately, the hands belonged to a murderer, and he finds the hands starting to take over his life and commit crimes. A seedy magician suspects what is happening and tries to blackmail him.
Keywords: airplane-crash, based-on-novel, character-name-in-title, con-man, dismemberment, horror-movie-remake, independent-film, remake, strangler, strangulationKool Savas "Auge" (produziert von DJ Smoove & Kool Savas) aus dem Mixtape ESSAHDAMUS, ab 28. Oktober 2016 überall erhältlich! ESSAHDAMUS vorbestellen: Basic Amazon: http://bit.ly/koolsavas-essahdamus-basic-amazon Limited Box Amazon: http://bit.ly/koolsavas-essahdamus-limitedbox-amazon Limited Box Media Markt: http://bit.ly/koolsavas-essahdamus-limitedbox-mediamarkt Limited Box Saturn: http://bit.ly/koolsavas-essahdamus-limitedbox-saturn-de iTunes: http://bit.ly/koolsavas-essahdamus-itunes Amazon MP3: http://bit.ly/koolsavas-essahdamus-amazon-mp3 LYRICS: http://genius.com/Kool-savas-auge-lyrics ►Kool Savas Channel abonnieren: http://ytb.li/KoolSavas ◄ Kool Savas "Essahdamus Tour 2017" Support: Vega & Bosca und Montez 06.01.2017 Mainz - Frankfurter Hof 07.01.2017 Lindau - Club Vaudeville...
►►"AUGE" iTunes [Single] http://bit.ly/AUGE_iTunes ►►"REBELLUTION" Amazon [Hayvan Box] http://amzn.to/Of3JHU ►►"REBELLUTION" iTunes [Deluxe Version] http://bit.ly/Rebellution-iTunes ►►"REBELLUTION" SATURN [Hayvan Box] http://bit.ly/HayvanBox-SATURN ►►"REBELLUTION" Media Markt [Hayvan Box] http://bit.ly/HayvanBox-MEDIAMARKT 4. offizielles Video aus dem am 30. Mai erscheinedem Album REBELLUTION AB SOFORT auf iTUNES erhältlich: ►►"AUGE" iTunes [Single] http://bit.ly/AUGE_iTunes ► KC Rebell auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KCRebell ► KC Rebell auf Instagram: http://instagram.com/rebell45 ► KC Rebell auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/KCRebell45 ► KC Rebell Shop: http://www.kcrebell-shop.de ► Banger Musik Tour Tickets: http://www.eventim.de/farid-bang das Video AUGE wurde produzier...
In diesem Video erklären wir euch den Aufbau des Auges und zeigen euch, aus welchen Teilen so ein Auge besteht. Außerdem zeigen wir euch die Aufgaben der verschiedenen Teile und wie sie zusammen in Verbindung stehen! Kategorie: Basics Hier kommst du direkt zum nächsten Video: //https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJGQT9ZD77Y&index;=13&list;=PLtB1MJSQL5hS-AQGxps15X5g5Z8TOJv86 » ALLE KANÄLE Wirtschaft: http://www.thesimpleeconomics.de Mathe: https://www.youtube.com/TheSimpleMaths Biologie: http://www.thesimplebiology.de Physik: http://www.thesimplephysics.de Chemie: http://www.thesimplechemics.de The Simple Club: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSimpleClub » MEHR VON UNS Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thesimpleclub Facebook: http://fb.thesimpleclub.de Alex auf Instagram: http://alex.thesimp...
»Alles zu seiner Zeit« (27.01.2017) Amazon Box http://umgt.de/3eZtp3 | iTunes http://umgt.de/39MapW Alle Produkte http://get.virg.re/azszYD Einen wunderschönen guten Abend, mein Name ist Mc Bilal, wenn euch die Videos gefallen, klickt auf »Kanal abonnieren«: http://bit.ly/bilalabo Besuche: https://www.facebook.com/mcbilal1994/ Besuche: https://www.instagram.com/mcbilal_original/ Snapchat: mcbilal_online Produziert von Zinobeatz Mix von Nuri "NuSick" Singör Master von Lex Barkey http://vevo.ly/jhyCDI
Ich hatte meine Op am Auge :O Eigentlich war's keine Operation sondern Wimpern und Haare für meinen Ersten Beauty / Glamour / Fashion Shooting. Mal was ganz anderes o.O Viel Spaß! Meine interaktive Roomtour: http://bit.ly/2iJzpZa Mehr von Unterwegs: http://bit.ly/2ik0Idz Mit dabei: Myci http://bit.ly/2jLBtB7 Hely http://bit.ly/2jqU16r Jenny http://bit.ly/2jfaexZ Dascha http://bit.ly/2iOYIWI •TWITTER http://bit.ly/2ft7CY7 •SNAPCHAT - KellyPopelli •INSTAGRAM http://bit.ly/2eKFhwm [Username: MissesVlog] Musik • Qrion - Beach (airynore Remix) https://soundcloud.com/air_or/qrion-beach-airynore-remix-1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/_Qrion_ Hi Kelly aka MissesVlog hier! :) Ich mache seit 2010 Videos auf YouTube, ab 2013 3x die Woche jeden Dienstag, Donnerstag und Sonntag. ___ • DIENSTAG - Kell...
Beat y Producción: Ogasa Beatz / Tradicional Rec. Shot. @MatiLanaro Producción: Ecko / Time Morón, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - https://www.facebook.com/AugeTeam Letras: ECKO Sin filtro en hip hop no hay nueve, invicto como Maywather Me infiltro así que bay nene, conflictos como van vienen Ritmos complico in the fight temen Estos tipos hoy dan style para que el mic pruebe El track es black and white, yo llevo freestyle genes Mejor ponele play, no tengo ni un fail negge Técnicas de jedi, mientras Tech Nine suene Sigo en camino con mis nike hasta que el time vuele Bic y hits en beats si juntan, street mi team con midi y boom bamp Estoy con Biggie y Tupac, rimas diminutas de enemys y sus raps no son mi disputa Buscan mi equipo criticar si salgo win disgusta esos niggies ni disfrutan ...
En su informe anual, la ONG ‘Human rights watch’ alerta que el populismo se está propagando de manera peligrosa en Estados Unidos y Europa y destaca su preocupación por el mandato de Donald Trump. Suscríbete: http://uni.vi/ZSubK Infórmate: http://uni.vi/4mSc8L Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos. Conducido por Jorge Ramos y María Elena Salinas.
Das große & aktuelle Interview: bald... Das erste Interview: https://youtu.be/yI9MITW3XcQ Amazon Music: https://goo.gl/zs168N Google music: https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Bxsj4qghykyxwf7cfktld3jlbxi Itunes: https://itun.es/de/aybTgb Künstler Achi der Entertainer https://www.facebook.com/achim Video Mest https://www.youtube.com/rapforcetv1 Produzent Abbude https://www.facebook.com/abbude19 Beat Produzent Hunes https://www.facebook.com/hunesbeats TV Strassensound abonnieren: http://goo.gl/DNyReN TV STRASSENSOUND" KANAL ABONNiEREN unter: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=tvstrassensound http://Instagram/TVstrassensound http://twitter.com/tvstrassensound https://plus.google.com/+TVstrassensoundplus TV Strassensound TOP Playlist: https://www.youtube.co...
http://www.mednachhilfe.blogspot.com http://www.facebook.com/mednachhilfe
MC Hariel e MC Pedrinho - Os Menino Imbico no Auge - ((4M no Toque do Jet)) (Áudio Oficial - Lançamento 2016) MAIKON FERREIRA BTS ® - 2016 © Todos os Direitos Reservados Artista: MC Hariel e MC Pedrinho Música: Os Menino Imbico no Auge - ((4M no Toque do Jet)) Ano: 2016 Produção: DJ Jorgin Gênero: Funk Putaria, Ostentação, Funk SP, Funk RJ, Brazil, Funk, Lançamento Download : http://goo.gl/13hDUj MEU WHATS APP: (16) 98224-5466 Se inscreva pra mais novidades =D ... Gostou ? De Aquele Like Que Vai Me Ajudar Muito ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE INSCREVA NO CANAL E FIQUE ATUALIZADO! http://goo.gl/xnzmQo | http://goo.gl/xnzmQo QUER SUA MÚSICA NO MEU CANAL? ME ADICIONEM NO FACEBOOK: Facebook https://goo.gl/nqJJdU ME SIGAM ...
you know what it is
it's time to introducing ma man, AJ
i can try and
i can climb and
i can shine and
i'll be sittin' on the top
i can try and
i can climb and
i can shine and
you better feel me now
nehga na ohl jool amoodo mollatji
nal bogo saramdeuleun modoo da nollaji
jogeumshik geudehdeuleh shisuneul neuggyuh
chim jom ddakgo noppi son deulluh
when i say wave your hands
you need to heundeuluh son
i can promise you oorin mwon ga daleudaneun gul
when i say bounce like us
you need to heundeuluh mom
nala olla nawa gatchi touch the sky
[rap] i tell you what boy
nan chumbootuh chawuni dalla boy
you're not on my level, i'm so hot like (wonder girls)
he can jump like AJ, remember his name (AJ)
he'll be the champ, so go get the CD on your pay day
nal ddala olsoo ubssuh man, i'm so fast like shotgun
noogoo boda gangheh, i'm so strong like Hogan
nal wiheh dalgwuhjin moodeh, ddeuguhwuh like hot sun
(if you got balls) jashin isseum, call me, come & get some
i got you, low low low
you gotta say what?!
blow down below, low low
blah blah blah blah
i got you, low low low
ee mutjin soon gan
2-double-oh-9, AJ comin' up!
i got you, low low low
you gotta say what?!
blow down below, low low
blah blah blah blah
i got you, low low low
ee mutjin soon gan