Track 01 w/ intro




Intro Narration:

Within a generation, hip hop has attracted the masses and given birth to a new worldwide culture.  Having become a voice for the people, hip hop has the potential to be a voice for revolution.

Ladies and gentleman, what you are about to hear is truly revolutionary.  The first hip hop album, for that matter the first album of any kind, to spell out a truly alternative vision to our current economic system, a system that provides luxury to a few, comfort to a few more, and misery to many many more.

We believe that we can do better than this.  But in order to achieve such, it will take more than just tweaking and reforming the current system.  It will take replacing it with something different, something better.  We believe that something better is a vision called Participatory Economics, or PARECON for short.

And that’s where you come in.

Because, for vision like this to be realized, it’s gonna take a mass movement of folks devoted to changing the structure of society.  In other words, it’s gonna take a revolution.

And I say, if it’s gonna take a revolution, then what better vehicle to start a revolution than hip hop.

So sit back, turn the volume up, and check this shit out.


For anyone who’s ever rocked Chuck D and PE / anyone who’s ever rocked Dead Prez Let’s Get Free / anyone who’s ever bucked up and said – Damn the man / well here’s your, well here’s your chance / For anyone who’s ever thrown a fist up in the air / anyone who’s ever hollered – Hell nah, this ain’t fair / anyone who’s ever yelled – It’s time to take a stand / well here’s your, well here’s your chance

Verse One:

So here’s the story – Participatory Economics is the phonics / a new way of speaking – a new way of thinking / and linking – life and liberty / with more than just a system of profit and property / now wait… / I know what you’re thinking, so before it’s too late / listen up, let’s get one thing straight / narration: let’s get one thing straight

we reject communism / both market and centrally planned socialism / we reject capitalism in all its forms / we reject greed and competition as the norm… / we reject communism / both market and centrally planned socialism / we reject capitalism in all its forms / we reject the social food chain as the norm…

narration: yes yes yes, we’ve heard all this before / we know what you’re against, dear, but what are you for

well, for starters, how about full employment / a lot less work, a lot more enjoyment / everyone getting what they need and then some / no gap in power no gap in income / no more rich people, no more poor people / no more my people, no more your people / yeah you heard it straight from the source people / no employees working for people / no more bosses getting they ass kissed / no more corporate ladders, no more classes / just the masses giving an honest day for fair pay / in a system of fair play and fair say / over how the economy affects you / no power-hungry fake-ass leaders to neglect you / but everyone getting control over their own role / a better life without selling your heart and soul / and that’s the vision we’re using to replace this / that is, if you got the courage to embrace this

narration: ooooohhhh, challenge


For anyone who’s ever rocked Chuck D and PE / anyone who’s ever rocked Dead Prez Let’s Get Free / anyone who’s ever bucked up and said – Damn the man / well here’s your, well here’s your chance / For anyone who’s ever thrown a fist up in the air / anyone who’s ever hollered – Hell nah, this ain’t fair / anyone who’s ever yelled – It’s time to take a stand / well here’s your, well here’s your chance

Verse Two:

whether you rock no jewelry, fat ice, or gold plated nugget / bald head, hightop fade, combover, or mullet / whether you hustle in the streets or hustle in the suites / there’s something better, there’s something better / whether you’re cosmos, cheap wine, or rocks amaretto / combat boots, platforms, or stilettos / you a trust fund baby or child of the ghetto / there’s something better, there’s something better

but better in a different sense, not dollars and cents / not just the bills and the rents / but the everyday moments that make up a life / what you do for your dollar – how you sleep at night / how you keep it tight still keeping it right / when your belly’s full and your exhale’s light / you ain’t constantly looking over your shoulder / and debts ain’t always got your ass looking older / ’cause the choice ain’t between being winners and losers / beggars and choosers – the abused and the abusers / ’cause it ain’t about a competition / but working together to get back what we been missing / more time to make music and art / more time to play ball in the park / more time to just chill and reflect / more time for love and sex / and you can walk the city streets in peace / hang out on the corner with no fear of police / ’cause it ain’t socially profitable to put us in jail / and every day don’t feel like just another nail – in your coffin… / and you call ya mama often


For anyone who’s ever rocked Chuck D and PE / anyone who’s ever rocked Dead Prez Let’s Get Free / anyone who’s ever bucked up and said – Damn the man / well here’s your, well here’s your chance / For anyone who’s ever thrown a fist up in the air / anyone who’s ever hollered – Hell nah, this ain’t fair / anyone who’s ever yelled – It’s time to take a stand / well here’s your, well here’s your chance

Verse Three:

RESISTANCE – ain’t really measured by how high your fist is / but offering the people something different / then working hard so it ain’t just a wish list / can you dig this / if hip hop’s a way of life, which way is it / are you in it to win it or is this just a social visit / if you talk the talk, you better walk the walk / it ain’t enough for us to point and say it ain’t my fault / I said they love us bitching, they love us talking revolution / just as long as it ain’t followed by us talking the solution / so hip hop where you at – this is our time / let’s show what we can do with these beats and rhymes / we preach the grind, do we practice the preach / we got the plan, all we need is the courage to reach / so hip hop, say it again – this is our time / i know what we can do with these beats and rhymes / let’s lead the way – all it takes is the decision / to open your mind and listen – PARECON is the vision

For anyone who’s ever rocked Chuck D and PE

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