France Descending Into Militarized State Ruled by Fear

Edit Information Clearing House 20 Jul 2016
By Finian Cunningham. July 20, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "RT" -  In the wake of the mass murder in French city of Nice, President Francois Hollande and his Prime Minister Manuel Valls have reiterated dire warnings that France is in a permanent state of war. Valls quoted by Le Journal du Dimanche said. “I have always told the truth about terrorism. a war is underway, there will be more attacks....

Double agression au couteau au Marché By

Edit Ottowa Business Journal 19 Jul 2016
Des accusations déposées. FAIT DIVERS. Des charges ont officiellement été déposées contre deux suspects en lien avec l'une des agressions au couteau survenues dimanche dernier à Ottawa. © TC Media - Archives. Agressions au couteau. Autres Nouvelles ... ....

Pokémon Go est accessible légalement au Canada

Edit Ottowa Business Journal 18 Jul 2016
La Presse Canadienne. Les potentiels dresseurs de Pokémon canadiens peuvent, depuis dimanche après-midi, télécharger l'application mobile du jeu à réalité augmentée Pokémon Go. © Photo. TC Media - Cindy Girard. Autres Nouvelles ... Le lancement du jeu au Canada a été annoncé, dimanche, sur la page Twitter de l'application ... ....

Ruisseau Labbé : retour à la normale

Edit Ottowa Business Journal 18 Jul 2016
Des produits contaminants se sont retrouvé dans le ruisseau Labbé qui, par l’entreprise de la rivière Bulstrode, se jette dans le réservoir Beaudet, principale source d’eau potable de la Ville de Victoriaville. Une siatuation provoquée par l'incendie de l'usine SamaN Canada ... Tout était toutefois de retour à la normale dimanche vers 18 h 30 ... Le lendemain, dimanche vers 18 h, cette veille intensive et préventive a été interrompue ... ....

Terrorism is now part of everyday lives for long period of time: French PM

Edit China Daily 18 Jul 2016
PARIS - French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has cautioned French citizens that they have moved to a different age, saying that "terrorism is now part of our everyday lives for a long period of time." ... In an interview with the French newspaper Journal Du Dimanche (JDD) published on Sunday, Valls said,"Some irresponsible politicians say that this attack could be avoided. But there is no such thing with zero risk." ... He added ... ....

Nice Attacker Mohamed Bouhlel Was 'Bisexual', Investigators Say

Edit Newsweek 18 Jul 2016
Try Newsweek. Subscription offers ... The rest of the text read. “Bringing in 5,” according to judicial sources ... While the exact motive for Bouhlel’s mass murder remains unclear, the release of more details show that the attacker was a man that, as French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said in an interview with newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche on Sunday, was radicalized quickly, allowing ISIS to claim him as a “soldier” of their Caliphate. ....

The Latest: American student confirmed among Nice dead

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 18 Jul 2016
Benzamia noted that relatives of Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhiel, the Tunisian-born truck driver responsible for the attack that claimed the lives of at least 84 people, said he wasn't a devout, practicing Muslim ... U.S ... Manuel Valls, in an interview with the Journal du dimanche newspaper published Sunday, said the Islamic State group "is encouraging individuals unknown to our services to stage attacks." ... ....

Alex Labbé doit se contenter de la 12e position

Edit Ottowa Business Journal 18 Jul 2016
Alex Labbé était sur son second tour de qualification lorsqu’il a glissé dans un mur de pneus, endommageant la voiture ... Alex Labbé (Photo . Serge Cantin). Autres Nouvelles ... Le pilote de Saint-Albert se retrouvait ainsi 6e au départ, avec une voiture réparée au niveau cosmétique, mais sans avoir pu l’essayer avant la course de dimanche afin de valider que les éléments mécaniques et les suspensions étaient toujours parfaits ... ....

Nice Attack: Truck Driver May Have Been Recently Radicalized

Edit Time Magazine 18 Jul 2016
The image of a religious extremist is at odds with the portrait that neighbors and family members initially painted of a man who ignored even the most basic rules of Islam, eating pork, drinking alcohol and shunning the mosque ... But Valls told the newspaper the Journal du Dimanche in an interview Sunday that the extremist group “is encouraging individuals unknown to our services to stage attacks.” ... U.S ... ....

Officials: France truck attacker may have become radicalized

Edit Denver Post 18 Jul 2016
The image of a religious extremist is at odds with the portrait that neighbors and family members initially painted of a man who ignored even the most basic rules of Islam, eating pork, drinking alcohol and shunning the mosque ... Related Articles ... But Valls told the newspaper the Journal du Dimanche in an interview Sunday that the extremist group “is encouraging individuals unknown to our services to stage attacks.” ... U.S ... ....

2 more arrests in Nice, France, truck attack

Edit Toronto Sun 17 Jul 2016
More than 200 people were also wounded in the carnage wrought by Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel on the seafront of this southern Mediterranean city. About 85 people remained hospitalized Sunday ... The Paris prosecutor's office said only 35 bodies have been definitively identified so far ... Prime Minister Manuel Valls told the Journal du Dimanche newspaper that authorities "now know that the killer radicalized very quickly." ...   ....

Killer called brother before Nice attack

Edit Otago Daily Times 17 Jul 2016
People react near flowers placed on the road in tribute to victims, three days after an attack by the driver of a heavy truck who ran into a crowd on Bastille Day killing scores and injuring as many on the Promenade des Anglais, in Nice. Photo by Reuters ... "The investigation will establish the facts, but we know now that the killer was radicalised very quickly," he told newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche ... WHY FRANCE? ... Reuters. ....

Grief Turns to Anger in France in Wake of Nice Attack

Edit Time Magazine 17 Jul 2016
The letter to French President François Hollande was filled with seething anger—as well as a premonition that something ghastly might happen on the French Riviera ... “It’s your responsibilty to implement the emergency plan,” he wrote, in a letter leaked to Le Figaro after the attack ... The second terror attack, okay ... “There will be more attacks,” he said in an interview with Journal du Dimanche ... ....