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Black Hole

The fake grassroots campaign run by grouse shooters is just one instance of the way democracy is being bypassed Read more.

Stock Answer

Why I took the plunge at last and converted (almost) to veganism Read more.

The Purse is Mightier Than the Pen

The climate crisis is here, now, but a compromised, corrupted media doesn’t want to know. Read more.

So Much For Sovereignty

To this government, “taking back control” means handing Britain to a different set of foreign powers Read more.

Punishment Posting

Want to cast someone into the outer darkness? Then give them the environment department, that should be the most important portfolio of all. Read more.

Soul Traders

If we saw it anywhere else, we would recognise our political funding system as utterly corrupt Read more.

The Judgement of History

The Chilcot report is utterly damning; but it’s still not justice. Read more.

Labour Savers

The Labour Party can survive, but only if it’s prepared to form an alliance with other parties Read more.

Roots in the Rubble

The decision to leave the EU is a disaster, but also a great opportunity for renewal Read more.

Leave Well Alone

Those who want to leave the EU refuse to make the most crushing argument against it. Here’s why. Read more.

Money’s Reach

The European Union looks thoroughly rotten – until you compare it to the alternatives. Read more.

The Zombie Doctrine

Crisis after crisis is being caused by a failed ideology. But it cannot be stopped without a coherent alternative. Read more.

Bonfire of the Verities

Academic standards go up in smoke in a wildly biased paper on burning in the British uplands. Read more.

Where I’ve Gone

I’m still alive – but keeping quiet about it. Read more.

The Lesser Evil

I am starting to hate the European Union. But I will vote to stay in. Read more.

Rigging the Market

Oil, the industry that threatens us with destruction, is being bailed out with public money Read more.

Rare Specimen

My interview, in his 90th year, with Sir David Attenborough Read more.

Mumbo-Jumbo Jets

I see the people on trial for occupying a runway at Heathrow as democratic heroes. Read more.

Scorched Earth Conservation

National park authorities inflict mass destruction on wildlife and habitats, then call it conservation Read more.

Sex Pests

Who is most responsible for high abortion rates? The religious right. Read more.