

Parent Resources at the Student Resource Center in New York is here to assist you with the transition of your student from year to year by serving as a resource as you navigate the many offices and services available throughout the university. There is no doubt you will have questions and concerns as your student makes their college journey. We’re here to help with those questions.

At NYU, we understand your desire to be there to assist and provide for your student, and understand how crucial a role you play in their life. However, our goal is to assist you in helping your student navigate the resources available to them that will help him/her develop as a young adult and make the daily decisions that are a part of their new life.

We see the parent’s role to now be one of support (not just financially) – not doing for them – but helping them to do for themselves. And when they cannot, to know where to ask for help. As a parent, you can support your student by empowering them to make new friends and stay on top of coursework. You can also provide support by directing your student to a variety of University resources when needed and encouraging your student to reach out for assistance.

Please review the information provided on these pages -- from calendars to helpful books, quick navigation to helpful webpages, ways to stay connected, and of course, a place to call or email when you need it.

School Resources

The undergraduate schools and programs listed below offer varying support and resources for parents of students enrolled in their academic programs.