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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Updated on: 25 November 2015
Effective from: 25 November 2015

Oxford University Press ("OUP", "we", "us" or "our") is committed to protecting your privacy online. This privacy policy explains how we will do this.

This privacy policy is subject to other privacy policies and legal notices appearing on our other websites, and to any expressly designated terms located on particular pages of the website.

By using our website, you are accepting the practices described in this statement.


What kind of information do we collect?

When you use our website (e.g. visit, register as a user, purchase products or services or apply for a vacancy on our website), we may collect and process the following information about you:

• Information that you provide by filling in forms on our website. This includes information provided at the time of registering to use our website, subscribing to our service, posting material or requesting further services. We may also ask you for information when you enter a competition or promotion on our website, and when you report a problem with our website.

• If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.

• We may also ask you to complete surveys that we use for research purposes, although you do not have to respond to them.

• Details of transactions you carry out through our website and of the fulfilment of your orders.

• Details of your visits to our website including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data, whether this is required for our own billing purposes or otherwise, and the resources that you access.

• Where applicable, information that you provide to us when you apply for any vacancies via our website.


Use of cookies

OUP uses “cookies” and other technologies on our website. The terms and conditions governing OUP's use of "cookies" and such other technologies on our website are set out in OUP's Cookie Policy.

By using our website, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of our Cookie Policy.


How do we use your information?

We may use information held about you in the following ways:

• To ensure that content from our website is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer.

• To provide you with information, products or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you.

• To carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us.

• To allow you to participate in the interactive features of our service, when you choose to do so.

• To notify you about changes to our service.

• To help us understand more about how our website is used and to improve our website.

Subject to applicable laws, we may also use your data, or permit our affiliates and/or partners to use your data, to provide you with information about goods and services which may be of interest to you.

You may notify us either in writing or by telephone, fax or email that you object to being contacted or being contacted in a particular way. If you use more than one email address to communicate with us, please notify us of each email account you use.


When do we share information?

We do not sell your personal information to third parties.

We share your information within OUP. We also share your information with Oxford Publishing Limited, our affiliates, our licensors, our agents, our distributors and our suppliers that assist us in making our website and/or the products and services on our website available to you (e.g. our hosting supplier).

We publish many journals on behalf of learned societies. Where you subscribe to a journal, we may share your subscription details with the society for whom we publish the journal, which they may use to invite you to join the society, or for other conferences and events organised by or for the society.

If you sign up for services that are managed or offered by other organisations, they will obtain your information.

A number of third party websites have links on our website. If you visit any of those websites, they may collect information. Such websites are not within our control and are not covered by this privacy policy. These websites may have their own privacy policies and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for those policies. Please check those policies before you submit any personal data to such third party websites.

If we believe that your use of our website is unlawful or damaging to others, we reserve the right to disclose the information we have obtained through our website about you to third parties to the extent that it is reasonably necessary in our opinion to prevent, remedy or take action in relation to such conduct.

We may also disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation; in order to enforce or apply any agreements or licences with you; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of OUP, our employees, affiliates, agents, distributors, licensors, suppliers, and/or our customers. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

If any part of our business (including those of our affiliates) is sold or integrated with another business, your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchasers and their advisers.


Security and Our partners outside Europe

All personal and credit card information is encoded using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology before being sent over the Internet. To protect your data further, your credit card information is always stored in encrypted form in a database that is away from our website database, so it is not connected to the Internet. Credit card transactions are issued a digital certificate, ensuring that your data can only be read by our transaction system as long as your browser shows its secure mode symbol (such as a key or closed lock).

We also recommend setting your browser's preferences to accept cookies and enable JavaScript™.

As a major international publisher, committed to the widest possible dissemination of scholarship and learning, OUP has links with other organisations throughout the world. We exchange information with our overseas branches, associated companies and other parties, including distributors and sales agents.  As such, from time to time, we may transfer, store and/or process information about you at various locations, including locations outside of the European Economic Area. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy. By using our website, you consent to these transfers.
Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our website; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access. The foregoing does not impact on our obligations to you under Clause 7.4 of our Terms and Conditions if Clause 7.4 is applicable to you.


Updating your details and contacting us

If you have any questions or queries regarding this privacy policy or if any of the information that you have provided to OUP changes e.g. if you change your e-mail address, please contact us by sending an e-mail to privacy.uk@oup.com.


Governing Law

You agree that this privacy policy shall be exclusively governed by the laws of England and Wales and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.