Clapping ban Reason school banned clapping

Reason school banned clapping

THE clapping ban on students imposed by a Sydney primary school is because a teacher “with a hearing aid” finds the noise of applause “too loud”.

Tragic death Toddler drowned after being left in bath

Toddler drowned after being left in bath

A BABY boy has tragically died in his Adelaide home, in what his mother described as an “honest mistake”.

Off-grid parenting ‘These children are feral’: Kid pees on TV

‘These children are feral’: Kid pees on TV

THESE “off-grid” parents believe in an all-natural approach to parenting. Their one-year-old daughter shocked TV viewers when she peed on the floor.

School ban Now a school’s banned clapping

Now a school’s banned clapping

A PRIMARY school has banned clapping in assembly, replacing it with “silent cheers” in the latest bout of PC extremism.

Scandal Students expelled over Instagram scandal

Students expelled over Instagram scandal

SCHOOLBOYS who set up a vile Instagram account to sexualise and shame girls as young as 11 have been expelled from their private school.

Full House Mum has third set of twins

Mum has third set of twins

NEW mum Danesha Couch admits she is a “freak of nature” after giving birth to her third set of twins in just over two years.

PC backlash Girls’ school word ban ‘ridiculous’

Girls’ school word ban ‘ridiculous’

A LEADING Sydney girls’ school’s decision to ban words like “girls” and “women” has been branded “deplorable”.

Is this offensive? There’s something wrong with this picture

There’s something wrong with this picture

AN ANNUAL swimwear event has sparked controversy after allowing child models to walk the catwalk in tiny bikinis.

Parenting Mum still breastfeeds her 5-year-old son

Mum still breastfeeds her 5-year-old son

ADELE Allen believes every part of her children’s lives should be natural, and that means defying almost every convention.

Supplied News Funny but true: 10 old wives' tales about pregnancy

Funny but true: 10 old wives’ tales about pregnancy

From the slightly weird to the downright wacky, are any of them true?

Little boy with his piggy bank. Picture: iStock

Put your kids to work these holidays

HERE are five pocket money rules you can put in place today to begin training your kids in money management.

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