Social Theory

Social Theory

Fuchs, Christian. 2016. When Will Greece Get its Money back from Germany? Reflections on Yanis Varoufakis’ New Book. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 14 (1): 244-248. Link

Fuchs, Christian. 2015. Surveillance and critical theory. In Surveillance: Critical analysis and current challenges: Special issue edited by James Schwoch, John Laprise and Ivory Mills. Media and Communication 3 (2): 6-9. PDF

Fuchs, Christian. 2014. The dialectic: Not just the absolute recoil, but the world’s living fire that extinguishes and kindles itself. Reflections on Slavoj Žižek’s version of dialectical philosophy in “Absolute recoil. Towards a new foundation of dialectical materialism“. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 12 (2): 848-875. Link

Wilding, Adrian Richard Gunn, R.C. Smith, Christian Fuchs, Michael Ott. 2014. Occupy and prefiguration. A roundtable discussion. Heathwood Press Online. November 10, 2014.

Fuchs, Christian. 2012. Some reflections on Manuel Castells’ book “Networks of outrage and hope. Social movements in the Internet age“. tripleC – Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 10 (2): 775-797. PDF

Fuchs, Christian. 2012. Political economy and surveillance theory. Critical Sociology 39 (5): 671-687.  PDF

Fuchs, Christian. 2011. How can surveillance be defined? MATRIZes 5 (1): 109-133. PDF
Portugese version: Fuchs, Christian. 2011. Como podemos definir vigilância? MATRIZes 5 (1): 109-136. PDF

Fuchs, Christian. 2011. Towards an alternative concept of privacy. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 9 (4): 220-237. PDF

Fuchs, Christian. 2011. Towards an alternative concept of privacy. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 9 (4): 220-237. PDF

Fuchs, Christian. 2010. Social software and web 2.0: their sociological foundations and implications. In Handbook of research on web 2.0, 3.0, and X.0: technologies, business, and social applications. Volume II, ed. San Murugesan, 764-789. Hershey, PA: IGI-Global. PDF

Fuchs, Christian. 2010. Critical Globalization Studies: An Empirical and Theoretical Analysis of the New Imperialism. Science & Society 74 (2): 215-247. PDF

Fuchs, Christian and Marianna Obrist. 2010. HCI and Society: Towards a Typology of Universal Design Principles. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 26 (6): 638-656. PDF

Fuchs, Christian. 2010. Critical globalization studies and the new imperialism. Critical Sociology 36 (6): 839-867. PDF

Fuchs, Christian. 2009. A Contribution to Critical Globalization Studies. Centre for the Critical Study of Global Power and Politics Working Paper CSGP 09/8. Peterborough, Canada: Trent University. PDF

Fuchs, Christian and Wolfgang Hofkirchner. 2009. Autopoiesis and critical social systems theory. In: Autopoiesis in organization theory and practice, ed. Rodrigo Magalhaes and Ron Sanchez, 111-129. Bingley: Emerald. PDF

Fuchs, Christian/Sandoval, Marisol (2008) Positivism, Postmodernism, or Critical Theory?
A Case Study of Communications Students’ Understandings of Criticism. In: Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies. Vol. 6. No. 2. pp. 112-141. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2008) Towards a Critical Theory of Information. In: Díaz Nafria, José María/Salto Alemany, Franciso (Ed.) (2008) Qué es Información? (What is Information?) Proceedings of the First Itnernational meeting of Experts in Infromation Theories. An Interdisciplinary Approach (Primer Encuentro Internactional de Expertos Teorías de la Información. Un enfoque interdisciplinar), November 6-7, León, Spain. León: Universidad de León. ISBN: 978-84-9773-451-6. pp. 247-316. PDF
Also published in: tripleC (cognition, communication, co-operation) (2009) 7 (2): 243-292. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2008) Dialektisches Denken als Grundlage der Kritik des transnationalen informationellen Kapitalismus (Dialectical Thinking as Foundation for the Critique of Transnational Informational Capitalism). Proceedings of the Conference „Polyphone Dialektik“ (Polyphonous Dialectics), Berlin, November 1-4, 2007, organized by the Ernst Bloch Association. In: Vorschein. No. 30. pp. 97-119. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2008) Foundations and Two Models of Guaranteed Basic Income. In: Neumaier, Otto/Schweiger, Gottfried/Sedmak, Clemens (Eds.) (2008) Perspectives on Work. Perspectives of Social Ethics Volume 1. Vienna. LIT. pp. 235-248. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2008) Sociology, Dynamic Critical Realism, and Radical Constructivism (Comment on the article “Who Conceives of Society?” by Ernst von Glasersfeld, Issue of Constructivist Foundations dedicated to the discussion of Glasersfeld’s paper). In: Constructivist Foundations. Vol. 3. No. 2. pp. 97-99. PDF (whole isse, including Glasersfeld’s paper)

Fuchs, Christian/Collier, John (2007) A Dynamic Systems View of Economic and Political Theory. In: Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory. No. 113 (August 2007). pp. 23-52. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2007) Transnational Space and the “Network Society”. In: 21st Century Society. Vol. 2. No. 1. pp. 49-78. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2006) The Self-Organization of Social Movements. In: Systemic Practice and Action Research. Vol. 19. No. 1. pp. 101-137. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2007) Self-Organizing System. In: Bevir, Mark (Ed.) (2007) Encyclopedia of Governance. London: SAGE. pp. 863-864. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2007) Informationalism. In: Bevir, Mark (Ed.) (2007) Encyclopedia of Governance. London: SAGE. pp. 446-448. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2007) Antiglobalization. In: Bevir, Mark (Ed.) (2007) Encyclopedia of Governance. London: SAGE. pp. 20-24. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2007) Anarchy. In: In: Bevir, Mark (Ed.) (2007) Encyclopedia of Governance. London: SAGE. pp. 18-19. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2006) The Dialectic of the Nature-Society-System. In: tripleC. Vol. 4. No. 1. pp. 1-39. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2005) Social Movements and Class Analysis. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2006) The Self-Organization of Cyberprotest. In: Morgan, Konrad/Brebbia, Carlos A./Spector, J. Michael (Eds.) (2006) The Internet Society II. Advances in Education, Comerce & Governance. Southampton/Boston. WIT Press. pp. 275-295. PDF

Fuchs, Christian/Horiuchi, Yoshihide/Kordes, Urban/Rivera, Barbara/Rowland, Gordon/Walton, Doug (2007) 2006 Fuschl Design Conversation: Fuschl Extension Team Report: Igniting a New Form of Design Conversation. In: The Research Reports of Shibaura Institute of Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol. 41. No. 1. pp. 67-77. PDF

Fuchs, Christian/Horiuchi, Yoshihide/Kordes, Urban/Rivera, Barbara/Rowland, Gordon (2006) Fuschl Extension: Igniting a New Form of Conversation. In: Metcalf, Gary/Chroust, Gerhard (Eds.) (2006) Proceedings of the Thirteenth Fuschl Conversation. Linz. Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation, Johannes Kepler University Linz. ISBN 3-902457-13-9. pp. 12-23. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2006) The Nature-Society-System and the Global Sustainable Information Society. In: Trappl, Robert (Ed.) (2006) Cybernetics and Systems 2006. Vienna. Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. Vol. 2. pp. 389-394. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2005) The Internet as a Self-Organizing Socio-Technological System. In: Cybernetics & Human Knowing. Vol. 12, No. 3. pp. 57-81. Also in: Zimmermann, Rainer/Budanov, Vladimir (Ed.) (2005) Towards Otherland. Languages of Science and Languages Beyond. INTAS Volume of Collected Essays 3. Kassel. Kassel University Press.pp S. 7-28. PDF

Fuchs, Christian/Holzner, Franziska (2005) Art as a Complex Dynamic System. Download PDF (from Social Science Research Network e-Library, SSRN)

Fuchs, Christian (2005) The Self-Organization of the Cultural Subsystem of Modern Society. Contribution for the “Twelfth Fuschl Conversations 2004: New Agoras for the 21st Century: Conscious Self-Guided Evolution“, Fuschl/See, April, 18.-23, 2004. In: Chroust, Gerhard/Hofer, Christian/Hoyer, Christoph (Eds.) (2005) Proceedings of the 12th Fuschl Conversations. Linz. Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation, Johannes Kepler University Linz. pp. 61-91.. Download PDF (from Social Science Research Network e-Library, SSRN)

Fuchs, Christian (2005) Knowledge and Society from the Perspective of the Unified Theory of Information (UTI) Approach. In: Petitjean, Michel (Ed.) (2005) Proceedigns of FIS 2005: Third Conference on the Foundations of Information Science. Paris, July 4-7, 2005. ISBN 3-906980-17-0. PDF

Brier, Søren/Donacheva, Anthoneta/Fuchs, Christian/Hofkirchner, Wolfgang/Stockinger, Gottfried (2005) Towards a New Foundation of Information-, Cognitive-, and Comunication Science. In: Chroust, Gerhard/Hofer, Christian/Hoyer, Christoph (Eds.) (2005) Proceedings of the 12th Fuschl Conversations. April 18-23, 2004, Fuschl am See. Linz: Institute for Systems Enginnering and Automatio, Johannes Kepler University Linz. pp. 49-60. PDF

Hofkirchner, Wolfgang/Fuchs, Christian/Klauninger, Bert (2005) Informational Universe. A Praxeo-Onto-Epistemological Approach. In: Martikainen, Eeva (Ed.) (2005) Human Approaches to the Universe. Interdisciplinary Studies. Helsinki. Luther-Agricola-Seura. pp. 75-94. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2005) The Mass Media, Politics, and Warfare. In: Artz, Lee/Kamalipour, Yahya (Eds.) (2005) Bring ’Em On! Media and Politics in the Iraq War. Global Media Series. New York. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 189-207. PDF (Longer Draft Version: PDF)

Fuchs, Christian/Hofkirchner, Wolfgang (2005) Self-Organization, Knowledge, and Responsibility. In: Kybernetes, Special Issue on Heinz von Foerster, Vol. 34, No. 1-2, pp. 241-260. PDF

Fuchs, Christian/Hofkirchner, Wolfgang (2005) The Dialectic of Bottom-Up- and Top-Down-Emergence in Social Systems. In: tripleC. Vol. 3. No. 2. pp. 28-50. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2004) Knowledge Management in Self-Organizing Systems. In: Journal of Knowledge Management Practice (ISSN 1705-9232), Vol. 5 (2004).

Fuchs, Christian (2005) Self-Organization and Knowledge Management. In: O. Neumaier/C. Sedmak/ M. Zichy (Eds.) (2005) Philosophische Perspektiven. Beiträge zum VII. Internationalen Kongress der ÖGP. Frankfurt/M.–Lancaster. Ontos. pp. 351-356. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2004) Science as a Self-Organizing Meta-Information System. In: Dobronravova, Iryna/Hofkirchner, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) (2004) Science of Self-Organization and Self-Organization of Science. Kiew. Abris. ISBN 966-531-165-4. pp. 126-199. Download PDF (from the Philosophy of Science (PhiSci) e-archive)

Fuchs, Christian (2004) The Political System as a Self-Organizing Information System. In: Trappl, Robert (Ed.) (2004) Cybernetics and Systems 2004, Vol. 1. Vienna. Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. pp. 353-358. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2003) Globalization and Self-Organization in the Knowledge-Based Society. In: tripleC, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 105-169. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2003) The Self-Organization of Matter. In: Nature, Society, and Thought. Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 281-313. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2004) The Antagonistic Self-Organization of Modern Society. In: Studies in Political Economy, No. 73 (2004), pp. 183- 209. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2003) Some Implications of Pierre Bourdieu’s Works for a Theory of Social Self-Organization. In: European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 387-408. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2003) Co-operation and Self-Organization. In: tripleC (e-journal for cognition, communication, co-operation), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-52. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2003) Dialectical Philosophy and Self-Organisation. In: Arshinov, Vladimir/Fuchs, Christian (Eds.) (2003) Causality, Emergence, Self-Organisation. Moskau. Russian Academy of Sciences, pp. 195-244. (pdf)

Fuchs, Christian (2003) Structuration Theory and Self-Organization. In: Systemic Practice and Action Research, Vol. 16 (2003), No. 2. pp. 133-167. PDF

Fuchs, Christian (2003) Dialectical Materialism and the Self-Organisation of Matter. In: Seeking Wisdom, Vol. 1 (2003), No. 1, pp. 25-55.

Hofkirchner, Wolfgang/Fuchs, Christian (2003) The Architecture of the Information Society. In: Wilby, Jennifer/Allen, Janet K. (Eds.) (2003) Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the In-ternational Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS): Agoras of the Global Village, Iraklion, Crete, July 7th-11th, 2003. ISBN 0-9740735-1-2. PDF

Christian Fuchs (2003) The Self-Organisation of Politics, Power and the Nation State. Human Strategies in Complexity ( Research Paper No. 15. In: Social Science Research Network eLibrary:

Christian Fuchs (2002) Modern Society – A Complex, Evolutionary, Self-Organising, Antagonistic System. Human Strategies in Complexity ( Research Paper No. 14. In: Social Science Research Network eLibrary:

Christian Fuchs/Annette Schlemm (2005) The Self-Organisation of Society. (PDF Download) Human Strategies in Complexity ( Research Paper No. 16. In: Social Science Research Network eLibrary: In: Zimmermann, Rainer/Budanov, Vladimir (Eds.) (2005) Towards Otherland. Languages of Science and Languages Beyond. INTAS Volume of Collected Essays 3. Kassel. Kassel University Press. S. 110-122.

Fuchs, Christian (2003) The Role of the Individual in the Social Information Process. In: Entropy, Vol. 5 (2003), No. 1. pp. 34-60. (pdf)

Fuchs, Christian/Stockinger, Gottfried (2003) The Autocreativity of Communication and the Re-Creativity of Actions in Social Systems. In: Arshinov, Vladimir/Fuchs, Christian (Eds.) (2003) Causality, Emergence, Self-Organisation. Moskau. Russian Academy of Sciences, pp. 303-321. (pdf)

Fuchs, Christian (2002) Concepts of Social Self-Organisation. INTAS Project “Human Strategies in Complexity”-Research Paper No. 4. 69 pages. Vienna. Vienna University of Technology. (pdf)

Fuchs, Christian (2002) Social Information and Self-Organization (html). In: Robert Trappl (Ed) (2002) Proceedings of the 16th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research. INTAS Project “Human Strategies in Complexity”-Research Paper No. 3. (pdf)

Fuchs, Christian (2001) Some Basic Ideas from “Self-Organisation in the Information Society”. A shorty summary of the work “Selbstorganisation in der Informationsgesellschaft”

Fuchs, Christian (1999) The Relationship of Dialectics and Emergence

Fuchs, Christian (2000) Daß nichts bleibt, wie es ist… Betrachtungen zu einer neuen Veröffentlichung im Bereich sozialer Selbstorganisation. Rezension von “Daß nichts bleibt, wie es ist…: Philosophie der selbstorganisierten Entwicklung” (Annette Schlemm). In: Contraste, 3/2000

Christian Fuchs/Wolfgang Hofkirchner (2000) Ein einheitlicher Informationsbegriff für eine einheitliche Informationswissenschaft.
Beitrag bei der Fachtagung “Organisationsinformatik und Digitale Bibliothek in der Wissenschaft”. 23./24. März 2000. Humboldt-Universität Berlin. Veröffentlicht in: Floyd, Christiane/Fuchs, Christian/Hofkirchner, Wolfgang (2002) Stufen zur Informationsgesellschaft. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski. Wien. Peter Lang

Fuchs, Christian/Hofkirchner, Wolfgang (1999) Information in Social Systems. Vortrag am 7. Internationalen Kongreß der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Semiotik (IASS/AIS) am 4.10.1999 in Dresden. In: Schmitz, Walter (Hg.): Sign Processes in Complex Systems. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of the IASS-AIS. Dresden: Thelem 2001. ISBN: 3-933592-21-6

Fuchs, Christian (1998) Rezension von “Information und Selbstorganisation” (hg. von Fenzl/Hofkirchner/Stockinger). In: Informatik Forum 3/4 1998.

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