Submit to Maximum Rocknroll/MRR Radio

To submit music for review in Maximum Rocknroll magazine
Send your vinyl/cassette/CD release to the address below. We do not review digital music, only physical releases. Please send two copies of vinyl if possible (one for the MRR library and one for the reviewer). Send the actual release — no test presses, pre-releases or “promo” CDs — and please include any information that is not already in the packaging, such as a mailing address, where the band is from, website info, etc. We review DIY punk/garage/hardcore and related genres only. Nothing on a major label, car company label, or with exclusive distribution through the majors’ fake indies will get a review or any other coverage in MRR. If you don’t like it, start your own magazine. So, obvs, not all submissions will get reviewed, and we rarely are able to deal with “follow up” emails, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

To submit guest columns, scene reports, interviews, photos, letters
…or anything else to MRR magazine, email the text as a Word attachment and send photos at high resolution (300 dpi at printed size) to . Guest columns should be under 2000 words. Interviews are ideally between 2500-6000 words. Always include photo credits, and your mailing address if you want a copy of the zine. If you can’t create a Word doc we will accept text as the body of an email. We also accept physical submissions (typewritten text, if possible, and photo prints/photocopied artwork) at the address below. Sending something in does not guarantee publication.

Submissions for MRR Radio
All submissions to MRR Radio must go to the magazine for review first (see above). Sorry but we cannot play digital submissions on MRR Radio. If your record or CD gets reviewed in the magazine, it will the be eligible for possible airplay. It’s up to the DJ what gets played. Since we generally don’t have time to answer “follow up” emails, please check to see if your record got played. The best way to get airplay on MRR Radio: make a kick-ass record!

Send all submissions to:

Maximum Rocknroll
PO Box 460760
San Francisco, CA 94146

For more info, email