Henrietta CookCuenta verificada


education reporter cycles in heels, reads, on the tiger bandwagon. Got a tip? henrietta.cook@fairfaxmedia.com.au or 03) 8667 2866

Melbourne, Australia
Se unió en noviembre de 2009

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  1. It's like a pub with no beer. VCE authority under fire for taking the 'physical' out of Phys Ed via

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    The Education State? Vic gov approves sale of 10 school sites. Yarn by

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  3. Congrats to all my talented colleagues, who received Walkleys last night. via

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  4. Andrews government approves closure and sale of 10 former school sites.

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  5. Privatisation turned vocational education into a den of shonks and shysters, writes via

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  6. There must be some boring vandals in Coburg. It's such a pity this beautiful student mural is gone!

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  7. Research reveals rise in attacks on Australian school principals |

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  8. Confessions of a VCE chief assessor via

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  9. NAPLAN chief says first step to better results is teaching teenagers to read via

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  10. Up front discount scrapped: Labor backs two university fee changes, saving $1.1b via

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  11. Emergency measures: Government freezes payments to private colleges via

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  12. 'The Gender Fairy': a new book marks a new chapter in transgender education for kids via

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  13. Victorian schools continue to breach parent payment guidelines.

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  14. So you think you can be an Australian teacher? 10 % of education students fail pilot numeracy & literacy test.

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  15. The agency responsible for educating half a million children issues a plea to international donors. via

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  16. Sex abuse commission: School warned about predator priest via

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  17. ha retwitteado

    One year of Daniel Andrews "un-drinkable" Chardonnay, special release by

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    Enlace permanente de imagen incrustada
  18. I googled this exact question yesterday. Thanks for clarifying When should you put up your Christmas tree?

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  19. Melbourne University buildings still carry the names of racist professors via

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  20. I'm watching people taking selfies with flowers in the Royal Botanic Gardens.

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