1:03:24 – From Riot to Insurrection: Analysis for an Anarchist Perspective Against Post-Industrial Capitalism – By Alfredo M. Bonanno – PDF – Read – Torrent – Archive – YouTube
1:03:24 – From Riot to Insurrection: Analysis for an Anarchist Perspective Against Post-Industrial Capitalism – By Alfredo M. Bonanno – PDF – Read – Torrent – Archive – YouTube
Una vita sfrenata, un viaggio nell’altro assoluto, richiede la totale distruzione non solo del “mio” lavoro, ma anche del vero concetto di lavoro ed economia in quanto basi delle relazioni umane. Jean Weir
Se il progetto anarchico può risultare incomprensibile a quelli che hanno imparato ad accettare la necessità di essere governati e a preferire la sicurezza alla libertà, questo progetto inteso nella sua totalità, come completo rovesciamento di tutte le relazioni sociali basate sull’obbligo e sulla forzatura, può essere incomprensibile persino per molti anarchici. L’idea della distruzione del lavoro va frequentemente incontro a incomprensioni. E ciò succede in più di una forma.
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From ‘Armed Struggle in Italy 1976-78’ Elephant Editions
In order to dispel any ambiguity which might arise, I should like to make it clear that when I speak of armed struggle I am not basing myself on artificial divisions imposed by bourgeois laws where the throwing of dozens of molotov cocktails runs the risk of not being considered a situation of armed struggle by some comrades.
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A.M. Bonnano
Barings is a small commercial bank in London. It made the headlines the world over due to the collapse that resulted from disastrous operations carried out in the Tokyo Stock Exchange by one of its employees, Nick Leeson, their agent in the Singapore branch.
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Passion for Freedom : An Interview with Jean Weir –Read – Imposed – Torrent – Archive – YouTube
Originally published in issue 8 of the magazine 325. , this interview with Jean Weir (of Insurrection magazine and Elephant Editions) features a critical and humble reflection on prison, insurrection, and anarchist publishing.
“We must never forget that — beyond the anecdotes and reminiscences, prison consists of so many reinforced boxes that millions of people all over the world are locked up in day and night. The latter are hostages of the State and live at the mercy of a hierarchy of vile cowards 24 hours a day.”
It is not enough for an action simply to be considered ‘right’ in order for it to be carried out. Other elements, such as the underlying moral judgement, are involved, which have nothing to do with the validity of the action. This becomes obvious when you see the difficulty many comrades have in carrying out actions that in themselves are in no way exceptional.
The State and capital, seeking to impose social peace in these days of war in which we are living, repress social struggle, accuse and imprison those who fight.
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El siguiente texto fue traducido de la revista 325 Nº8 de septiembre de 2010.
Con mucho gusto, presentamos estas preguntas a la compañera anarquista de Elephant Editions Jean Weir. Jean hace traducciones y publicaciones y participa desde hace mucho tiempo en actividades anarquistas a nivel callejero. Ella es muy divertida, con los pies en la tierra, tiene un carácter fuerte e incansable, esta llena de vida y corazón….
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Lo que aquí te presentamos como Teoría y práctica de la insurrección es el primer trabajo de una serie revistas en donde se compilan textos de diversos autores, así de como colectivos y anónimos de varias latitudes del planeta, y que giran en torno al proyecto insurreccional anarquista.
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Nei compagni anarchici c’è un rapporto ambivalente con il problema dell’organizzazione.
Ai due estremi si collocano l’accettazione della struttura permanente, dotata di un programma ben delineato, con mezzi a disposizione (anche se pochi) e suddivisa in commissioni; e, dall’altro lato, il rifiuto di ogni rapporto stabile e strutturato anche nel breve periodo.