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August 18, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Dakota Pipeline Would Make Water the New ‘Oil,’ Devastating All but the Rich

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is heading a protest by Native Americans and their allies against the newly approved line. These opponents of the project say it could lead to contamination of the Missouri River and other devastating environmental impacts.


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Libertarians Love Civil Liberties—but Won’t Use Government to Protect Them From Capitalists

Truthdig followed along as Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson and running mate William Weld answered questions in a live stream forum moderated by Fusion's Jorge Ramos and Alicia Menendez.
Darron Birgenheier / CC -BY-SA 2.0

Trumpism: Made in the United States by Republican Hate and Democratic Hypocrisy

Mainstream Democrats have exaggerated the extent of white working-class support for Donald Trump. They also fail to understand the sources of the white proletarian Trumpism that do exist.
A/V Booth

“From housing to jobs to poverty levels, black America is struggling,” the Princeton educator tells the Truthdig columnist. “In so many ways since 2008, our communities have been in ruins.”

In a scary and important episode, the “Last Week Tonight” host sounds a warning about a boom in subprime automobile loans that promises to make “your eye twitch with flashbacks to the mortgage crisis.”

How Do Today’s Struggles for Justice Differ From Those of the 1930s?

Americans lack organized workers’ movements and a ruling class that feels even slightly obligated to protect workers and the poor, cultural critic Henry Giroux tells Paul Jay of The Real News Network.

Bolivia Opens ‘Anti-Imperialist’ Military Academy to Counter U.S. Influence in Latin America

“If the empire teaches domination of the world from its military schools, we will learn from this school to free ourselves from imperial oppression,” President Evo Morales said at the center’s inauguration.

Climate Change Helps Drive Ethnically Divided Societies Into Armed Conflict

New scientific research confirms that climate-related extremes of heat or drought lead people divided by race or culture to fight over life’s necessities.

How Donald Trump and Chris Christie Colluded to Pilfer $25 Million From New Jersey Taxpayers

The sketchy relationship between the New Jersey governor and the Republican presidential nominee took a new twist after a New York Times report showed that Trump’s $30 million casino tax debt, something New Jersey officials fought endlessly to collect, suddenly was slashed after Christie took office in 2010.



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Jill Stein Makes History as First Green Party Candidate to Hold Town Hall on Prime-Time TV (Video)

The presidential nominee and her running mate addressed voters on CNN on Wednesday night in an hour-long meeting in which they outlined their “Green New Deal.” Stein also told the public she would “have trouble sleeping at night if either Trump or Clinton is elected” and reiterated her goal to build on Bernie Sanders’ “political revolution.”

Tax Loophole Can Reward Excessive Water Use in Drought-Stricken West

Experts fear tax deductions for water use as a “depleted asset” could actually worsen the crisis as rivers and reservoirs dry up.

Dragon Rising? China Seeks Closer Military Cooperation With Syria

A Chinese official on a visit to Damascus announced that Beijing intends to strengthen its military relationship with the Syrian government, but affirmed that China would avoid involvement in the civil war.

‘Birth of a Nation’ Director Nate Parker’s Personal History Complicates His Picture

Parker, who also stars in the film, has encountered a serious obstacle in the rollout phase of his forceful big-screen debut, “The Birth of a Nation”: the resurfacing of his involvement in a 1999 rape case.

Questions of Morality and Safety Are Steering the Future of Self-Driving Cars

The so-called “trolley problem” isn’t the only issue on the horizon as the driverless car rolls toward the nation’s public roads.



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Edward Snowden Calls the Hack of NSA Hackers by ‘Shadow Brokers’ a Significant Turn in the Spy Wars

Calling a leak of sophisticated spy tools unprecedented, the whistleblower says things “could get messy fast.”

Comments of the Week: Monsters, Inc.

From the costly—in many senses of that word—spectacle that is the Rio Olympics to the chaos unleashed by the notorious Powell memo, the Truthdig comment boards were host to a virtual phantasmagoria this week.

Live at Truthdig: What Can America Learn From California?

At 1 p.m. PDT on Thursday, Truthdig will interview special guest Narda Zacchino to discuss what the once “failed state” of California can teach the rest of the United States.

Is Socialism the ‘Obvious’ Answer to Growing Inequality?

Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn have shined a spotlight on the economic model that can lead us out of gaping inequality; Canada could actually benefit if Donald Trump wins the U.S. elections; meanwhile, we may need to reconsider air travel in times of climate change. These discoveries and more after the jump.

America’s Criminal Injustice System

In this age of stop-and-frisk, racial profiling, mandatory sentencing, the death penalty, life without parole and execution-by-cop, I—a private eye for defense lawyers—can’t defend anybody.

Carbon Emission Targets Set at 2015 Paris Conference May Be Too Little, Too Late

U.K. scientists warn that we may have already emitted enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to take air temperatures above a “safe” global threshold.

Transborder Immigrant Tool Series: Learn Desert Secrets From Bedouins and Indigenous Travelers

The third poem in “The Desert Survival Series/La serie de sobrevivencia del desierto” points readers toward ancient lessons for survival in the desert at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Aetna Shows Why We Need a Single-Payer System

The decision by the giant insurer to bail out from 11 of the 15 states where it sells Obamacare plans provides the best argument for changing our approach to health care in America.

As Islamic State Brewed in Iraq, Clinton’s State Department Reduced Eyes and Ears on the Ground

An investigation finds that Clinton initially pressed to keep civilian programs and listening posts after the U.S. troop pullout in 2011, but then scrapped or slashed them at the behest of the White House and Congress.

Do Russia’s First Strikes on Syria From Iranian Air Bases Change Everything? (Video)

Russian bombers for the first time took off from bases in Iran to carry out airstrikes on rebel targets in Syria—a move that is unprecedented in recent decades and raises many questions.

Lead Contamination at Indiana Low-Income Housing Site Is Being Addressed After Decades of Inaction

A video investigation of conditions at an affordable-housing complex in northern Indiana shows how the crisis came to be and how it might be “worse than Flint.”