Latest Belgrade Story

The Mysterious Karl Marx Quote

"Owners of capital will stimulate working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks which will have to be nationalized and State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism." Who said this?


Visitor Guide

The House of Flowers - Kuca cveca

The resting place of Josip Broz Tito is still one of the most visited tourist sites in Belgrade.

The Friendship Park - Park prijateljstva

Go to the Friendship park and try to find as many trees planted by famous world leaders as possible.




DSC01457Cool in the summer season, hot in the wintertime, the Povetarac raft/boat is one of the coolest places in Belgrade right now. Come early if you don’t want to wait in line on Fridays and Saturdays, not very pleasant being above the water when it’s so cold.


Cafe above and a club in the basement. Gajba means "crib" in Serbian and it does indeed look like a crib - only filled with smoke, booze and people.


Mornar restaurant

If you are a goulash fan, than you must pay a visit to Mornar restaurant in Decanska street.

"?" - Znak Pitanja - The Question Mark Tavern

Try Serbian brandy in Znak pitanja - despite what the laws of physics say, their 0.03 glass actually holds 0.06 of rakija, so be careful.



Students' hostel "King Aleksander"

Situated 20 minutes by foot from Belgrade city centre, this hostel offers its facilities in summer only, from July 1st to September 1st.

Three black catz hostel

Great location, nice price (from 9 EUR), free internet, but very very small, only 10 dormitory beds (6+4). Make sure to make a reservation online since this is one of the most popular hostels in Belgrade.



VIS Lollobrigida feat Johnny Ratzkovich

Croatian electro trash punk sensation VIS Lollobrigida featuring Belgrade artist Dzoni Rackovic (in SKC 10.10.08)