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With recent censorship of pur Facebook page by Facebook and the ongoing refusal of Google to index our news service, it's more important than ever to keep independent news, analysis and opinion available. Your support makes this possible.

We've been bringing independent journalism and opinion to millions of readers for the past 21 years. Since 1995. Our news service has never run any advertising, so we rely on readers such as you to support our work. Our goal is to continue publishing news and opinion that you want to read.

Our Summer 2016 fundraising goal is $500.

Over the past 21+ years, we've brought you:

  • Around 44,000 articles, reports, features, editorials and more, from alternative media, blogs and content original to Infoshop News.
  • Comprehensive coverage of major events and movements including the 1999 anti-WTO protests in Seattle, Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, Occupy Wall Street and the ongoing anti-war movements.
  • Ongoing coverage of activist legal campaigns and support projects.
  • Original journalism and investigative reporting including "Paramilitaries and Palm Plantations: A Murderous Combination in Colombia", "'Turning a Corner:' Changing Attitudes, Confronting Realities of Prostitution", "Immigrant Activist Deported from Canada" and "Why Hospitals Overcharge the Uninsured"

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Checks and cash are accepted, but contact us to make special arrangements.

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