
TrotskiLeaks: How not to engineer a sectarian split

An email exchange between members of the SWP and others in the Brighton Stop the Cuts Coalition (BSCC), where an SWP activist accidentally 'reply alls' whilst planning a sectarian split on the pretext of the outcome of an unrelated conference of the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN).

From mobilisation to 'massification'

A text produced during the successful 8-day occupation at Sussex University in March 2010.

Higher education cuts: Sussex University on the front line

An article on the situation in higher education generally and at Sussex University in particular.

PCS picket line interview

Over a quarter of a million workers in the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) have been out on strike this week, with further walkouts expected. Brighton SolFed caught up with a picket in Brighton to find out more about the dispute.

Sussex students occupy in defiance of High Court injunction

Following a large demonstration against the suspension of the Sussex 6, hundreds of students have staged a snap occupation in defiance of management and the state, following the granting of a High Court injunction banning ‘occupational protest.’

Should Brighton vote Green?

With Caroline Lucas set to stand in Brighton this May [2010], many workers tired with the Labour-Tory status quo may be tempted. But is voting the path to change?

University of Sussex occupied against cuts

106 students occupying the top floor of Bramber House, Sussex University

Over 100 students have occupied a conference centre at the University of Sussex in Brighton against proposed course cuts and job losses.

The JSA and the dole workers strike

Brighton Autonomists' letter, critical of an article from Subversion #18. From Subversion #20 (1996)

Anti-militarism: an anarcho-syndicalist perspective

A discussion document from the Brighton Class Struggle Forum 18/08/09.

Brighton arms factory 'decommissioned' in Gaza protest

Broken windows at the EDO/ITT factory, where computers and filing cabinets were flung from the first floor

9 people have gained entry to the ITT/EDO MBM arms factory in Brighton, where they are believed to have caused extensive damage to the offices, and to industrial tooling used to make arms.