Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The deal is done


With fond memories of Doug, Peter, Don and others in the 62 or so Day Oners Club, we say farewell to one of North America's print media success stories gone awry thanks to corporate power plays, greed and mismanagement by new owners.

As others have said, those who were around to share in the glory years have memories - and stories - to last a lifetime. In my book, the Toronto Sun was an Ali, a Gretzky, a Pele, a Woods. Shooting stars to be remembered as one-of-a-kind experiences.

To know what the working environment on all six floors of 333 was pre-Quebecor is to know how much our shooting star has dimmed. In the end, we will always have SkyDome circa 1991 and warm memories of Christmas bonuses, profit sharing, stock options, sabbaticals, Blah days, anniversary parties etc.

To the survivors of the PM purchase, we wish you well. TSF will be here to relay new ownership moves. We can only hope PM will be gentle.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Free Sun book for TSFers

Julie Kirsh, our tireless master of the Toronto Sun library, has a deal for 200-plus TSFers - a free copy of Jean Sonmor's 1993 book The Little Paper That Grew.

"I have 200, maybe more," Julie says. They are free for the asking but have to be picked up at 333.

The best years of the Toronto Sun were 1971 through 1993 and this 408-page book includes mention of many of the Sun legends and their stories.

It was about to be published when Doug was ousted. He was gracious in rewriting his introduction: "When Jean Sonmor asked me to write an introduction to her 20 year history of the Toronto Sun, I had no idea that she would have to rewrite the last chapter to include my dismissal."

Rumour has it the remnants of the Little Paper That Grew will be moving out of 333 now that Sun Media has been sold to PM. If you do not have Jean's book, now is the time to pick up a mint condition copy.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

TSF: One million visits

The Toronto Sun Family blog, launched in 2006, has topped the one million visits mark, with almost two million page views.

That speaks volumes for the interest in the roots and early growth of the Toronto Sun and its siblings and the relentless Quebecor downsizing since 1999.

Most of the reliable tipsters who kept TSF informed of happenings at their Sun Media newspapers have been laid off or have moved on to other jobs.

A change in ownership this year will bring to an end the blog as a means of reporting Sun Media activities, but we will still have memories of the glory years to share.

Thanks a million for your interest in this blog.