Tuesday, 7 July, 2009

Names, faces

When the presses at 333 were silenced, Toronto Sun columnist Mike Strobel gave the pressroom crew a heartfelt sendoff.

But there were no words for the prepress and ad builders who have left the building in large numbers in the past year or so.

Randy Miller, one of those vets, has provided TSF with a list of names and years of service as he and others make arrangements for a fitting sendoff this summer.

Someone once told us the average stay at a newspaper job was five years. If so, the Toronto Sun has definitely been the exception, with numerous employees on the job for decades.

Not just in the newsroom. Throughout the building. Turnover was minimal because the Sun was one of Canada's Top 100 companies to work for before Quebecor arrived in 1999.

Randy's list - based on his files from 2007 - clearly shows the amount of talent that was shown the door or parted company with buyouts.

The list of people who have departed prepress since the union was formed are:

William Thomas, 27 years; Mike Zuccaro, 21 years; Gregory Viens, 30 years; Peter Pritchard, 20 years; Betty O'Hara, 20 years; Joe Roach, 19 years; Linda Hudson, 25 years (part time at the end). All part time people were let go at this time

From September 2008 until the shutdown of ad production in March 2009:

Gary Zarowny 35 years; Ron Gilder, three years (seven years part time as well); Andrew Balfour, 34 years; Albert Ria, 32 years; Joe Duffy 31 years; Joe Colabro, 22 years; Timothy Cullinane, 27 years; Patricia Brockman, 21 years; Kevin Crawford, 21 years; Christopher Thomas, 30 years; Randall Miller, 31 years; Bryan Stubbs, 30 years; David MacKenzie, 31 years; Lindy McClean, 29 years; Larry Gillespie, 33 years (June 2009).

As you can see, these are people who were loyal Sun employees who loved their jobs. Being on the outside looking in hasn't been easy for many of them.

When they gather this summer - at a date, time and place to be announced - for a proper wake, they will represent hundreds of years of Sun talent who gave the tabloid their all.


Anonymous said...

Why is the list of names that was provided by Miller only from when the union started?
There were others who left and/or were squeezed out prior to the union being formed. Do they not count? Typical union mentality.

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