Thursday, 9 July, 2009

The Final Word

The final and somewhat more civil and informative word in the Calgary noodles saga comes from Jose Rodriguez, editor-in-chief of the Calgary Sun:

"Hey guys, just to set the record straight, there is a script that takes the last front page from the system and ships it out to the Newseum. Obviously, since the replate came at the end of the run, the wrong page was picked and sent.

"It was a mistake. I'm sure the anonymous owner of this blog has made some in the past. As soon as we learned about it, we fixed it. As for the integrity of the managing editor — and the entire news team for that matter — it is beyond reproach.

"We have not sold out. We are still breaking stories that the competition can't touch and sharing a laugh or two along the way. This may be hard for you to believe based on the comments I've read on this blog in the past, but we are still damn proud to be part of Team Sun.

"Still working hard to bring relevant news to our readers. Not sitting anonymously on the sideline and sniping in a 'good old days' trance."

Thank you for the update, Jose.

The four key words here: "It was a mistake."

Fair enough.

But your closer - "Not sitting anonymously on the sideline and sniping in a 'good old days' trance." - chilled our enthusiasm for your elaboration. Memories of your managing editor, mother's basement and all . . .

The majority of TSF postings since December 2006 have been based on information provided by disillusioned current and former Sun Media employees who remember the "good old days."

The blog is not about any individual, including the not-so-anonymous blogger, it is about Toronto Sun Family members who wanted a forum to vent their feelings and frustrations about the Quebecor years.

When the venting is done and Quebecor's extreme makeover is complete, we will be done.

We will leave our mother's basement confident that TSF members did their all in memory of Doug Creighton and the other 61 Day Oners who gave us all the opportunity to share in North America's greatest print media success story.


Anonymous said...

Marty and Jose (not to mention city editor Dave Naylor) are Sun guys through and through, and among the finest newsmen you'll find anywhere.
No doubt they're working under extreme pressure, trying to put out a quality product just like everyone else in the decimated Sun chain.
That said, their comments aren't out of character.
Under these guys you learned to take your lumps, and became a better journalist for it.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to drop you a note to say the cheap shot the Calgary publisher took at your fabulous blog was shameful. He completely missed the point. If this had happened 20 years ago - or 10 for that matter - everyone would have instantly known it was a mistake. These days, you can never tell how low Quebecor is going to go.

Anyway, I enjoy your blog and I'm very glad you are doing it.

Take care,
Heather Bird.

Anonymous said...

Jose took a cheap shot at the end. I wonder how loyal Sun managing editors are at other publications in the chain, especially the ones who have seen their veteran editors sent packing in favour of off-site, cookie-cutter, factory-style pagination; their reporter and photographer staffing levels decimated, all while being told to push the news on the Internet, without being given any added staffing to do just that.
Sorry, but being told in the extreme to do more with less while PKP tries to purchase an NHL franchise doesn't incur loyalty.
Look at how many former Osprey managing editors are gone. That says it all. We were proud to be part of Michael Sifton's team. Now, those who remain are unappreciated chattel.

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