
A history of the 62 Group

A member of the 62 group is arrested in Victoria Park, London, 1962

A special feature on the 1962 Committee, more commonly known as the 62 Group, a militant, Jewish-led anti-fascist organisation formed in London. Containing detailed personal accounts and extensive information on the far right at the time.

Stenzleit, Georg Hermann Jakob (1848-1933)


A short biography of German anarchist George Stenzleit, active in London

WorkersWildWest #4 - Out now!

Issue no.4 of our working class paper for Greenford, Southall, Park Royal area in West London - We distribute 2,000 copies, mainly in front of bigger work-places, but also housing estates and job centres. For workers' self-organisation and an internationalist position.

The matchgirls strike, 1888 - John Simkin

Annie Besant with the strike committee

A short account of the successful strike in 1888 by thousands of unorganised female workers at the Bryant & May match factory in London.

First impression

Short account from a first-year student just beginning secondary school in London about his educational experience.

Anarchy in the UK: the Angry Brigade - Tom Vague

Time Out Angry Brigade cover

Detailed book on the Angry Brigade urban guerrilla group in 1970s London. While it overly romanticises the group, it contains detailed historical information, photographs and anecdotes.

From Greenford with love: an interview with the Angry Workers of West London's warehouses catches up with the excellent Angry Workers of the World to discuss their ongoing agitation in the West London warehouses and surrounding communities.

Dockers boycott SS Jolly George, 1920

Commemorative stamp depicting Harry Pollitt and the boycott

A short account of UK dockworkers who in May 1920 refuse to load a ship carrying armaments bound for use against the revolution in Russia.

Beyond White City - Some Snap-Shots on West London Workers' History

Summary of west London workers' history from 1920s to today, with focus on migrant workers strikes in the 1970s.

‘We Want Our Club Back!’: the Clapton Supporters Action Fund

Clapton FC's fans have gained notoriety in recent years: for their massive turnouts at non-league games, their dedication to anti-fascism, and their passionate singing from kick-off to the final whistle. Now they're challenging the club's owners in attempt to take over the club and put it under fan-ownership.