UK railway disputes [was: Sickie by Southern Rail Train Conductors]

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rat's picture
Joined: 16-10-03
Jun 5 2016 12:36
UK railway disputes [was: Sickie by Southern Rail Train Conductors]

On the National Rail Enquiries this morning there is an interesting statement:

"Service Update: Ongoing disruption to Southern services due to conductor sickness."

And on a local newspaper site (3rd June) there is an article about Southern Rail conductors the suffering high rates of sickness.

"The train operator said conductors have called in sick more than 1,000 times in a month and the rate of sickness has doubled since the first strike on April 26"

Joseph Kay's picture
Joseph Kay
Joined: 14-03-06
Jun 5 2016 08:44

Yeah this is totally fucking the trains, daily delays and cancellations (well, many more than usual, if you're used to Southern). There was an official two-day strike and Southern reportedly victimised strikers, so there's now ongoing sick-outs.

Joseph Kay's picture
Joseph Kay
Joined: 14-03-06
Jun 5 2016 08:50

The government have also apparently amended Southern's franchise agreement as they'd already exceeded the limit of cancelled services, which could lead to withdrawing the franchise

Steven.'s picture
Joined: 27-06-06
Jun 5 2016 10:41
Joseph Kay wrote:
The government have also apparently amended Southern's franchise agreement as they'd already exceeded the limit of cancelled services, which could lead to withdrawing the franchise

I reckon if it is to beat industrial action, the government will ignore its own rules.

For example, Camden's Labour council has a parking contract with the company, NSL. During strikes this year, they meant the company didn't meet its targets to get paid, however the council paid them anyway to help them break the strike and bring in scabs from the North and elsewhere in the UK

rat's picture
Joined: 16-10-03
Jun 5 2016 19:54

It's going to be well worth monitoring the situation with this ongoing dispute.

Joseph Kay's picture
Joseph Kay
Joined: 14-03-06
Jun 7 2016 07:51

Only heard this second hand, but word is that Southern are overplaying the sickness to save money on cancelled services while blaming the workers. Apparently they're denying overtime to strikers despite cancelling services 'for lack of staff'. I guess since the government's backing them they're confident they can just fuck over users and workers alike.

Joseph Kay's picture
Joseph Kay
Joined: 14-03-06
Jun 7 2016 17:09
Joseph Kay wrote:
Only heard this second hand, but word is that Southern are overplaying the sickness to save money on cancelled services while blaming the workers. Apparently they're denying overtime to strikers despite cancelling services 'for lack of staff'. I guess since the government's backing them they're confident they can just fuck over users and workers alike.

This was actually in the Telegraph, quoting the RMT extensively:

rat's picture
Joined: 16-10-03
Aug 8 2016 19:24

Just a quick note.
There's a week-long strike by RMT union conductors this week.
Any info and analysis about militant / solidarity actions could be posted here.

Joined: 9-12-14
Aug 8 2016 20:52

Letter from Southern Conductors earlier in the dispute, spells out the issues well.

Joseph Kay's picture
Joseph Kay
Joined: 14-03-06
Aug 9 2016 14:22

Day 2 of the 5 day strike and the trains are fucked. From my stop there's no trains at all running after 5pm so having to leave work early.

Edit: rumour is they've cancelled trains on police advice cos there's an Albion match on tonight, and the already reduced service, plus the strike, can't cope with 30,000 people on top of two universities.

rat's picture
Joined: 16-10-03
Aug 9 2016 20:21

Has anyone seen any pickets or made contact with anyone on strike? Maybe there are some unofficial strike papers / leaflets around?

Joined: 9-12-14
Aug 10 2016 11:56

This article interestingly points out that Govia are on a management contract and are not a franchise, so the Department of Transport are much more involved in this dispute than I had appreciated. The rest of the article is largely filler though.

Joseph Kay's picture
Joseph Kay
Joined: 14-03-06
Aug 10 2016 15:06

Strike suspended from tomorrow for talks.

rat's picture
Joined: 16-10-03
Aug 10 2016 20:07

Eurostar workers from two unions are due to strike this month.

"RMT members will walk out from 12 to 15 and 27 to 29 August while TSSA members will strike on 14 and 15 and 28 and 29"

And workers on the Virgin's East Coast line have voted to take strike action.

Steven.'s picture
Joined: 27-06-06
Aug 10 2016 20:09
rat wrote:
Eurostar workers from two unions are due to strike this month.

"RMT members will walk out from 12 to 15 and 27 to 29 August while TSSA members will strike on 14 and 15 and 28 and 29"

And workers on the Virgin's East Coast line have voted to take strike action.

probably worth starting a new thread for the other rail disputes…

Joined: 6-01-07
Aug 14 2016 10:06

Steven, Separate discussion threads for each of the current rail disputes?? Reinforcing sectionalism in our coverage? Are these not connected in terms of privatisation in the industry, current economic troubles post Brexit, shambles in government and LP circles, role of RMT/ASLEF unions, new technology and technical composition in the rail/transport industry?? I don't think 'we' on libcom are actually organising these strikes even if we might show some limited solidarity unless there is a whole libcom faction inside the industry or unions I'm unaware of? Surely best to encourage analysis amongst both rail workers and workers more generally on this site by drawing together/linking it all as best we can?

fingers malone's picture
fingers malone
Joined: 4-05-08
Aug 14 2016 11:01

And also, having lots of different threads is just harder to follow.

Joined: 6-01-07
Aug 14 2016 14:37

Though maybe would benefit from a more general title or a new combined thread?

Joseph Kay's picture
Joseph Kay
Joined: 14-03-06
Aug 14 2016 14:51

I've updated the thread title

rat's picture
Joined: 16-10-03
Aug 14 2016 17:21

Thanks for the title change, I was actually going to try and get around to Steven's suggestion of sorting out a new thread. But I thought I'd better gen-up a bit on the situation first so that I could at least have something to say as an intro. But I'm not an intellectual and so collating, scrutinising and producing analysis is not something that I can do, but I sense that there could well something brewing-up in terms rail workers being able to attack a weak point in some aspects of at least one industry, which is so essential to freight and commuters.
I expect that there are a few articles in the press at the moment that are looking at the threat of future rail strikes. I was also hoping that Spikymike would make some contributions and insights into the situation on the rails at the moment as I've always respected his opinion and I was influenced by the Subversion publications.
As I asked in a post above, and maybe I'm being totally naive, but I wonder if there are any unofficial rail workers' texts, leaflets, blogs etc out there. And if there has been any contact with strikes by libcomers?
I use the trains to get to work (on building sites) but not on the Southern Rail trains. One of my local stations is run by Southern but I haven't seen any presence by rail workers that I can connect with.

Joined: 6-01-07
Aug 14 2016 17:38

A similar dispute over the role of guards is brewing at the Northern Trains company - will try to find out more.
Edit: Should say that this likely follows the takeover of the franchise from last April by Arriva and the promise to upgrade by replacing the old Pacer trains which are still running at present.

Joined: 6-01-07
Aug 14 2016 17:55

Also noted that ASLEF the train drivers union are balloting over possible industrial action in response to the Southern Rails imposition of a reduced timetable - ballots due in end of this month. Not sure if this amounts to any kind of solidarity with RMT members or just the usual sectional defence of their members conditions? Their is a long history of differences between the two unions despite their respective left leaning leaderships

Steven.'s picture
Joined: 27-06-06
Aug 15 2016 10:30
rat wrote:
As I asked in a post above, and maybe I'm being totally naive, but I wonder if there are any unofficial rail workers' texts, leaflets, blogs etc out there.

I'm not aware of any. Also because the RMT is a "militant" union, that seems to generally have the effect of meaning that militancy and workers' activity takes place within the union, rather than needing to go outside it. So rather than start an unofficial newsletter, militants will just run local branch newsletters, which you can normally read on branch websites/blogs themselves.

This lack of organisation outside the union structure is a weakness. You could see this most clearly in the Eurostar dispute, where only a small group of workers (train managers) were taking action, isolated from the rest of their colleagues in the UK, and isolated from their colleagues in France and Belgium, so disruption was minimal. (N.b. I'm not just blaming this on the unions, as the situation is more complex than that. Mostly disputes end up isolated because other workers aren't prepared to take action in support of other people - this is pretty unsurprising as much of the time workers aren't prepared to take action in support of themselves, let alone anyone else)