
The Age Letters

The homeless: And we avert our eyes to focus on the Olympics

Illustration: Matt Golding.

If the homeless were victims of a natural disaster, governments at all levels would immediately act. But the homeless are victims – of changing economic conditions beyond their control. As a nation we should feel ashamed at our treatment of this group.

How is anyone worth an $18.1 million salary?

Illustration: Matt Golding

Readers discuss the commercial banks' failure to pass on the full interest rate cut to borrowers and whether there needs to be a royal commission into the banking industry.

NAPLAN: Some kids start school well behind their peers

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Readers criticise the testing regime for measuring only a narrow range of skills, while others argue that more money must be invested in the early years, when the foundations for literacy and academic achievement are built.

Donald Trump: Angry speech is proof of divide-and-rule strategy

Illustration: Matt Golding

Trump is tapping into a sense of defeat in the US. His success in the primaries is also evidence of a victory of demagoguery over ideology. Working-class Republicans have struggled with the party's neo-liberal ideology since the growth of the Tea Party movement. For conservative working-class Americans, the ideology caters to their social views but offers them nothing economically, with excessive deregulation and trickle-down economics having failed. Trump has found a cheap way of winning support by appealing to his supporters' visceral social instincts, claiming to protect US workers while espousing both American hegemony and isolationism, and somehow equating Hillary Clinton with the shortcomings of his own party. His angry and rambling acceptance speech is also proof that Trump intends to divide, conquer and rule,  something sure to hasten America's demise rather than "make it great again". 

NT Justice: Acknowledge victims to start healing process

Illustration: Matt Golding

The NT juvenile detention expose is a test of a prime minister's leadership. So far, Mr Turnbull has fallen short. He announced a royal commission, saying he had acted "decisively". In other words, credit to his strong leadership. It's a bit cheap, really, because there was no other decent course of action to take. I haven't heard him use the boys' names, acknowledge that they are just kids or that they are part of the Indigenous other in our nation still emerging from the black deaths in custody scandal. That would be the pathway to empathic healing. Yes, he said it was "shocking" and "appalling", but that doesn't resonate with the collective shame we feel as a nation that we have come to this level of depravity. How did we get to be like this?

Housing: Boom time for some, as the wealth gap widens

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

The HILDA report provides the evidence for what most of us recognise intuitively. The wealth, on paper, of Baby Boomers is increasing because they bought houses at a time of relatively stable unemployment and when speculation was not rife. Thus, much of their wealth has been gained through rising land values rather than economic growth.