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  1. Di-retweet 51 kali

    , last night: "We are one country, one people" Today: Visits pastor who blamed a hurricane on LGBT

  2. I'm ready for mainstream to say: "Olympic Thug Ryan Lochte" when reporting on the scandal

  3. Staff from , ,Special Ops & marching in Pride tomorrow!

  4. There is nothing like hearing Justice Kirby talk about

  5. Question: "How many people are blind and visit our website?" Answer: "Don't think in numbers, think about humans."

  6. We don't want ANY Australian to be subject to hurtful campaigns. Sign now:

  7. Dear Olympics,I am a champion for , so please exercise equality across the board. WOMEN'S 800 was questionable. Cant deny biology.

  8. Perempuan bila tengok lelaki hensem, itu normal kata mereka. Lelaki bila tengok perempuan lawa, dituduhnya miang (nafsu kuda).

  9. Emily will go on a date with Sabrina in episode 8, then Paige in 9, and will date Ali in 10. 👏

  10. ? Kehkeh. It's a joke la wei. Imagine apa jadi kalau lelaki yg buat 1:18 tu.

  11. Everyone who stands for Equality: means that nothing can be answered with: "Because she is a girl"...

  12. Creando conciencia en Washington Square NY ❤️

  13. Bila yang merokok memaki hamun orang lain supaya tidak merokok. Can you brain this?

  14. Insult for a boy: ladki hai kya, Compliment for a girl: tu meri beti nahi beta hai

  15. If humans are just a mess of matter floating in a chemical soup, is a humanist myth.

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