Friday, August 20, 2010

Rhythm, Rhymes and Revolution: Artist Benefit for Carlos Alberto Torres

Friday September 17th, 2010 at 7:30pm
East Harlem Cafe 1651 Lexington Avenue (btwn. E104-105th St.)
Take the 6 train to E. 103rd St.

Join us for a night of incredible poetry, rap and spoken word as we unite to help
our brother former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Carlos Alberto Torres!

Carlos Alberto, freed from 30 years in jail this July, is trying to open up a
ceramics workshop in Puerto Rico! He needs our help to pay rent, buy supplies and
many other expenses!

Come through and Help our brother Carlos Alberto, make his dream a reality!

Featured artists:
The Welfare Poets
Sandra Maria Estevez
Papoleto Melendez
Steve Bloom