Friday, August 20, 2010

Ramsey Muniz commutation campaign

Dear Friends:

We have begun a new letter writing campaign to
follow up with President Barack Obama on the
Commutation of Sentence for Ramsey Muniz.

We need your help by mailing a letter as soon as
possible. I have provided a sample letter for
your convenience. You are welcome to use it but
please type your name and address just above the inside address if possible.

See the attached, and thank you for your support!


Irma Muniz, Chairperson
National Committee to Free Ramsey Muniz

August 16, 2010

The Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States
Office of the Pardon Attorney
1425 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 11000
Washington, D.C. 20530

Re: Commutation of Sentence for Ramiro R. Muñiz 40288-115

Dear President Obama:

I write to express the continued support shared
by many for a Commutation of Sentence for Ramiro
“Ramsey” Muñiz. His case is important as he is
remembered for bringing about political,
educational, and economic advancements for
Mexican Americans, Hispanics, and others during the Civil Rights Movement.

Ramsey Muñiz has spent nearly seventeen years
incarcerated, and the majority of those years
have been in maximum security penitentiaries. He
is 67 years of age and he has suffered greatly.
His sentence of life without parole is severe; it does not fit the crime.

Mr. Muñiz has been a model inmate throughout the
years that he has been incarcerated. We ask that
you consider his conduct in your decision to grant him Executive Clemency.

National Hispanic organizations, federal and
state representatives, and many others ask that
you grant an immediate Commutation of Sentence
for Ramsey Muñiz. We seek your compassion, mercy,
and justice in granting his freedom.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent
matter. To learn more about Ramsey Muñiz, please
visit his website at
