A jihadi unmasked

Bassel Oudat reports from Damascus on the unravelling of the mystery surrounding the identity of the leader of the Fateh Al-Sham Front

A jihadi unmasked

Cross-border calamity

The Egyptian general consul to Libya tells Ahmed Amer that 150 Egyptians have been killed, hundreds abducted and 60,000 returned home from the Tunisian border at the government’s expense

Cross-border calamity

Canal generates hope

This week saw celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the nationalisation of the Suez Canal, an occasion to remind doubters of recent achievements, writes Galal Nassar

Canal generates hope

The ebb of extremism

Jihadists in Sinai are not just on the back foot, their ability to act has been undermined, writes Ahmed Eleiba

The ebb of extremism

Zewail’s lasting legacy

Son of Egypt, Ahmed Zewail will go down in history as one of the greatest pioneers in the history of science, writes Sir John Meurig

Zewail’s  lasting legacy

Companies on the block

Tranches of publicly owned banks, electricity and oil companies will soon be up for grabs in a series of privatisation deals, report Sherine Abdel-Razek and Niveen Wahish

Companies on the block

Revising the equation?

Opposition successes in Aleppo this week could mark a turning point in the Syrian conflict, writes Bassel Oudat in Damascus

Revising the equation?

The battle of Sirte

Operation Al-Bunyan Al-Marsus is preparing a final push to liberate Sirte from Islamic State control, but on the political front, Libya’s competing interests continue to stymie progress, writes Kamel Abdallah

The battle of Sirte

Sudan: Floods raise the spectre of famine

Widespread flooding in Sudan rings alarm bells ahead of the worst of the Upper Nile rainy season, some 80,000 already affected and thousands of homes damaged or destroyed, writes Haitham Nouri

Sudan: Floods raise the spectre of famine
EGYPT Parliament approves new police law

Parliament approves new police law

The performance of the Interior Ministry was scrutinised by parliament this week, Gamal Essam El-Din reports

Thwarted attack

Thwarted attack

Former mufti Ali Gomaa survives an assassination attempt, Ahmed Morsy reports

Father of femtochemistry

Father of femtochemistry

By Gamal Nkrumah

‘Opening shot’

‘Opening shot’

The presidential team initiative proposed by an Egyptian NASA scientist provokes wide debate, writes Mona El-Nahhas

Press law not so pressing

Press law not so pressing

A unified law aimed at regulating state-owned press organisations may be ready to be discussed by MPs in October, reports Gamal Essam El-Din 

ECONOMY Watch your bills

Watch your bills

Electricity bills for both households and businesses will see an increase of at least 20 per cent starting this month, Hayat Hussein reports.

A win-win deal?

A win-win deal?

The recent legal settlement with Mubarak-era business tycoon Hussein Salem has received mixed reactions, reports Safiya Mounir

WORLD Ambiguous signals from Iran

Ambiguous signals from Iran

Does Iran want greater regional cooperation or is it trapped in a mentality of conspiracy theories and confrontation, asks Camelia Entekhabifard

More Lebanese trial balloons

More Lebanese trial balloons

Was the Future Movement’s nomination of Michel Aoun for the Lebanese presidency a serious proposal or a political feint, asks Hassan Al-Qishawi

Beyond Iraq’s graft probe

Beyond Iraq’s graft probe

A parliamentary investigation into alleged corruption at Iraq’s Defence Ministry may presage a new political realignment in the country, writes Salah Nasrawi

Erdogan pivots to Russia

Erdogan’s U-turn on Russia is bold, even for him. But how will he accommodate competing interests in Syria, asks Sayed Abdel-Meguid

Clinton’s cloven hoof?

The US and international media have been painting a relentlessly bleak picture of the two leading 2016 American presidential elections candidates, writes Gamal Nkrumah

SPORTS Waiting for a winner

Waiting for a winner

Four days into the Summer Olympic Games, Egypt has three fifth place finishes in shooting and weightlifting, Inas Mazhar reports from Rio de Janeiro

LIVING Gearing up for summer fun

Gearing up for summer fun

Amira El-Noshokaty roams the capital looking for fun activities this summer


Shifting relations with Israel

Sadat’s much-remarked visit to Jerusalem was a kind of “escape forward” in the face of domestic woes. It would be as disastrous now as then to repeat that mistake, writes Hassan Nafaa


The change we made

While some critics have expressed disappointment on specifics of the Democratic Party platform, meaningful progress has been achieved and the debate will continue, writes James Zogby


In honour of Zewail

While great men eventually pass on, we can preserve their legacy and honour their philosophies and aspirations, writes Abdel-Moneim Said


A message to Britain’s Cairo envoy

It is time to drop double standards and let words be followed by deeds, writes Ossama Kamal


The French crisis III

Recent decades have seen a revival of leftist thought in France, with as yet ambiguous results, writes Tewfik Aclimandos
in the third in a series


Echoes of revolution

Much had changed and much had remained the same, writes Awatef Abdel-Rahman on a visit to her home village after the 25 January Revolution


Libya’s oil industry: Phoenix or mummy?

Libya’s state-run oil company says it plans to triple production by 2017, but without political consensus that seems like a pipedream, writes Ahmed Ben Mussa


Zewail and Mahfouz

Ahmed Zewail believed that advances in science must be allied with cultural and literary development in society. Are we ready to take up that torch and continue, asks Mohamed Salmawy


A dream and its discontents

The abuse of power by the West in the Middle East will continue to trigger regional dreams and nightmares unless a lasting balance is found, writes Haro L Karkour


The repugnance of Trump

By attacking the parents of a fallen Muslim American hero, Trump not only betrayed his pettiness, but also his classist ignorance, writes Aijaz Zaka Syed


How factionalism is killing the Palestinian dream

There can never be a free Palestine without Palestinians first freeing themselves from factional repression, writes Ramzy Baroud


The clash and the cliché

Hani Mustafa takes a critical look at revolutionary cinema

The colours of Kerala

Ati Metwaly celebrates Kerala’s astonishing art form, freshly performed in Egypt

Before the final curtain

Nehad Selaiha reviews the progress of the ninth edition of the National Theatre Festival

Cairo lions revamped

Cairo lions revamped

The lions guarding the Qasr Al-Nil Bridge are being restored for a second time since the bridge’s reconstruction in 1933, reports Nevine El-Aref

Restoration projects in the Delta

Restoration projects in the Delta

The Church of the Virgin Mary and Saint Abanoub in Samanoud was officially reopened this week and a restoration project started at the Al-Shenawy Palace in Mansoura, Nevine El-Aref reports


Moving the Mugamma

Steps to move the Tahrir Administrative Complex, or Mugamma building, in Downtown Cairo are already underway, as Mai Samih finds out