Friday, March 21, 2008

Freedom Month Outreach Day!!

April Freedom Month 2008 Calendar

On April 4th, 2008 the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners will have completed 28 years in jail for FIGHTING PUERTO RICAN INDEPENDENCE!!

Every April, ProLibertad organizes a series of events to commemorate the arrests of our political prisoners. We use this month as a time to raise awareness around the prisoners and of Puerto Rico's colonial reality.

This year, we celebrate the release of Jose Perez Gonzalez, a Political Prisoner for his actions in support of the Vieques movement, and we denounce the arrest and incarceration of AVELINO GONZALEZ CLAUDIO!! Come to all the events and bring your friends and family!!

PROLIBERTAD FREEDOM CAMPAIGN OUTREACH DAY!! We are kicking off Freedom Month 2008 with a day of outreach and street education in the South Bronx!! We need volunteers to join us in handing out literature on the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners and Puerto Rican Independence in the South Bronx. Help us make the Puerto Rican Political prisoners a household name!!

Join ProLIbertad on SATURDAY APRIL 5TH, 2008 FROM 12PM-3pm ON 149TH STREET AND 3RD AVENUE (take the 2 or 5 train to 149th St. and 3rd avenue stop)!! Look for the Puerto Rican Flags!!