What Wallabies rugby flanker David Pocock reads (hint: it's not sport books)

David Pocock, Wallabies rugby flanker, prefers books about birds to those about sport.
David Pocock, Wallabies rugby flanker, prefers books about birds to those about sport. Angelo Vlachoulis
by Nicole Abadee

Wallabies rugby flanker David Pocock answers our questions about his reading habits.

The book beside your bed?

There are three. I've just finished Chapter One by Daniel Flynn I'm re-reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, and I'm slowly working through Resilience Practice: Building Capacity to Absorb Disturbance and Maintain Function by Brian Walker and David Salt.

Do you read books about sport or sportspeople?

Not often, though I'm a big fan of American sportswriter Dave Zirin so I usually read his latest one. The last sports book I read was Pushing the Limits by Paralympian Kurt Fearnley and it was brilliant.

When younger you loved birds and books about birds – do you still?

Yes. My partner Emma was laughing at me the other day because I keep Field Guide to the Birds of Australia in the glove box of the car "just in case".

You're interested in social justice and climate change. Any inspirational books?

Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate is hard to go past in terms of an analysis of the problems we face and the changes we need to make. Another book that I loved was A Testament to the Wilderness by C.A. Meier.

Three books you would take to a desert island?

Hauntings: Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives by (Jungian analyst) James Hollis, The Story of San Michele by (doctor and adventurer) Axel Munthe and The Odyssey by Homer.

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